Pro 4 Crash


I was using pro 4 for a gig friday. After 3 hours of djing, the right deck would not play the track loaded in. About 30 seconds after this, The track that was playing on the left deck stopped and i couldnt use the software. Had to close and reopen. Anybody experienced this and know a fix?


  • Allanf
    Allanf Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I've had this happen to me several times on TP3 and now on 4. I switched from Windows to Mac while on 3 to try escape it. It helped initially but it's started happening again. I keep finding reports of this in the forums and on reddit/fb posts, but NI never replies.

    I'm going to try and report my crash log and hope I can find a solution myself, otherwise I'll have to switch to serato, like many others are doing.

  • Unknown
    edited March 3
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  • Unknown
    edited March 3
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