4.0.2 version crash (closed) traktor instantly

playrosso Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

I’m here again to beg you for a solution if someone knows it,played last night again (maybe 70 events totally with my new s4mk3 that i bought it this april) and my software crashed (closed) instantly with no error reports or something. Wasn’t during transitions or anything pressed on console,i wasn’t even touching the laptop/console… 

Traktor version : 4.0.2

Hardware used : s4mk3 with macbook m1 pro (2020),13 inch,8 gb ram (sonoma 14.6),bought new at the exact time it appeared,connected via original cables,the only addon is an adaptor from usb a to c because i have only 2x thunderbolts on this version. The adaptor is from istyle (official reseller for apple)

If you need any screenshots,settings used or something i'm here..


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    It crashed once or does it crash over and over again? Does this also happen with the last version of Traktor Pro 3? Already tried another adaptor and/or USB cable?

    May S4 Mk3 works good with a DJ Techtools USB-C to USB-B cable on my MacBooks.

  • playrosso
    playrosso Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    It's not nonstop crashing,it's once or twice a month and it happens randomly during play. Both cable and adaptor are original,if it would be a cable problem i would have it way more often i'd say… it happened on 3 too,but i bought 4 to upgrade and still happens. I'll try another cable but don't know if that's the case…

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    If it doesn't happen often it is pretty hard to guess what is the cause of these crashes. Could be everything or nothing. Were there some similarities? Is it always while you aren't actively doing something on the controller? Maybe always while you are playing certain tracks? What is the source of your tracks? Which format? WAV, AAC, MP3? Corrupt files can be a cause of crashes. Is the S4 your only setup?

    I see the cable also unlikely but wouldn't rule it out. Why still on 14.6? 14.7 is the current version of Sonoma.

  • playrosso
    playrosso Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    It happened even on Ventura. The source of the tracks are directly from producers / labels or beatport/traxsource/bandcamp,cleaned with mp3tag to show no metadata (only filename remains). Sometimes freezed traktor,now crashed instantly. I even deleted all my collection and started again with it. Are there any problems with limits on how many files a folder has ? In folders i have even analysis problems (it keeps on 0 Bpm even tho i analyzed all of them), unless i drag-drop the track into a channel it will show bpm in folder list.

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