No sound below 50 or 60 Hz

Hello here,
I played in a club last weekend and the sound guy come to me and show me that I have no frequecies below 50Hz…
We try changing cables and lane on the Xone
The other guy mixing have a full range music.
Please help :) I can give more info or record a small part of my mix if needed



  • Dirty Panty
    Dirty Panty Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Traktor Pro 3
    Traktor S3
    Dell Inspiron 3501
    Intel i3-1115G4
    Windows 11

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    Was that the case for the entire event or just certain tracks? What file type were the tracks? Were they local or streamed? Did you check the same tracks elsewhere (another software/hardware/location)?

    You were feeding the S3 into a Xone? Balanced into unbalanced?

  • Dirty Panty
    Dirty Panty Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Every track, wav tracks, local, I tested on my friend pc and no problem

    My S3 out was in RCA into a Xone into the sound guy controller

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    Are you sure there was no filter active on the Xone?

  • Dirty Panty
    Dirty Panty Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Yes completly sure

  • AudiFreq
    AudiFreq Member Posts: 47 Advisor

    Most clubs DSP most sound out of the sub 60hz range unless they have high end subs, if you can hear it out of your headphones then its working. If you are both plugged into the same mixer then I would say the filter is slightly off

  • Dirty Panty
    Dirty Panty Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    In the headphones it seems to have full range frequencies.
    But the sound technician show me my frequecies arriving to him and there is a problem :/
    I'm gonna do some test and keep you up to date.

    Thanks for your time

  • digisun
    digisun Member Posts: 23 Member

    Wow, that sounds weird. Can you go to the sound guy again? Maybe he can help you. Maybe go from S3 to the controller from the sound guy…

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor
    edited October 2024

    Yeah, this sounds VERY WEIRD.

    Record Your mix from Your controller main and booth output (it should be recorded with an external device, not from the Traktor application recorder) and check how it looks on the frequency spectrum analyzer. You can use Audacity with a free Voxengo SPAN VST plugin to check the cutoff frequencies.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert
    edited October 2024

    Another possibility is that the venue is running in mono (or the subs are) and the channels are out of phase. That would certainly remove bass.

  • Dirty Panty
    Dirty Panty Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    No problem in Voxengo SPAN with the recorded (by Traktor) mix I did.

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor
    edited October 2024

    Just to clarify. Are You recorded the output from the S3 controller directly in Traktor application with an internal recorder or an external one? Because by default, Traktor records the original mix from the application itself in INTERNAL recorder mode. This is a digital loopback recording thing and it will always show perfectly clean result. But the physical analog output can be different on the MAIN OUT channel. That's why I have asked to loopback output back to input and record this analog INPUT signal. 😊

  • digisun
    digisun Member Posts: 23 Member

    also waiting for reply from him

  • Dirty Panty
    Dirty Panty Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    I have a perfect signal in the internal recorder.
    I have to try to loopback the main out to an input and record that !

    I'll post when I have more time (sorry for that)

  • Dirty Panty
    Dirty Panty Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    I was on Internal rooting before, and when I loopback my main out to line in, there was an "echo" and very bad sound.
    I download a pink noise (direct sound from audacity) (picture 1)
    I switch to external rooting (first time ever, maybe it was a mistake from myself and I have to be in external everytime) I loopback my main out to line in and record it (picture 2)
    Perfect sound no ? (master at max volume and headroom -6db with transparent limiter)

    And then I notice in the settings that there is no ASIO driver for my S3, I'm in WASAPI shared. Any issue ? (picture 3)

    If the problem was only the internal rooting, it's ok but why ?
    I don't understand the difference beetween both

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