ModWheel data in the MIDI-region cancels "play on mouse-click" in LogicPro

Sir Hannes
Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hi there,

trying Kontakt 8 Player I wonder what this means: If modwheel data is in a midi-region, I can't hear what I am drawing in anymore. The connection mouse-click to create or select a midi-not = playing that note is broken, it is just silence now. In comparison a new track with the same instrument but without any mod-wheel data in any region plays as it did the last days.

ModWheel data I draw in is 110, which the developer of that library chose to be forte. Any region on that track is affected, irrelevant if it has mod-wheel data in the region or not.

The green midi-out button is activated, of course. LogicPro 10.8.1

Now if I look into Kontakt 8 I see that in that moment I press stop, the modwheel in Kontakt 8 jumps to 0. That's why I don't hear anything. LogicPro has a MIDI-setting saying for VI's and for external MIDI: "Controller 1 (Modulation) set to zero". I checked this. No change. I set this back to unchecked: no change.
Inside of Kontakt I couldn't find a menu entry about that behavior.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod

    Hey there, it's a little bit tricky to understand what the issue is here, would you be able to post screenshots or even make a video of the issue?

  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    Apologize @Jeremy_NI !

    Please find attached a video with this to-do-list. No external keyboard is used.

    1. loading any Kontakt 8 Player instance with any instrument, start playing = Kontakt plays. Please see the Kontakt 8 Modwheel is at zero, but still I hear that instrument. Drawing notes in the midi region let me still hear that note (as expected behavior).
    2. Now I draw in a random Modulation line and the modwheel jumps to 0 each time I press stop and to 127 if I press play. Problem: I can't compose by drawing midi notes in stop mode anymore, because I can't hear it.

    I'd like to force Kontakt to not act like a on/off switch. Instead it should keep the value of the mod wheel in stop mode. If the problem is at LogicPro, then of course I am happy to get a hint what to change there.

    Thank you!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod
  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    I tried, no changes.

  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    This are the MIDI settings I can change within Logic. I tried some of them for example

    • Controller 1 (Modulation) set to zero at menu "Reset" and menu "Cut length". But no changes.
    • Catch: Control Changes 0-15. No changes regarding my problem.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro
    edited October 2024


    There can be very little doubt the problem originates in your DAW, which is for some reason sending cc#1=0 (and cc#1=127) messages to which Kontakt is responding as it should. From what you say, adding cc#1 messages to the track in Logic seems to trigger this behaviour. Easy to confirm by looking for these rogue messages with the Kontakt factory MIDI Monitor multiscript: monitor only Controller messages and use Verbose mode. (KSP top R>preset>factory>utilities).

    Most likely to be a setting or a bug in Logic but unfortunately I don't know German, and you might do well to ask for advice on the Logic forum if there is one.

    Please see the Kontakt 8 Modwheel is at zero, but still I hear that instrument.

    The Kontakt Modwheel can be a bit confusing: it sends cc#1 messages when you move it. It differs from the one on real keyboards in that it also moves automatically in sympathy when a cc#1 message is received from another source. It does nothing until it is moved, or a cc#1 message is received from elsewhere. Before then, its position will bear no relationship to the current cc#1 value.

  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    Thank you Stephen for your words! It's a relief to no longer be the only one getting this problem.

    I will copy&paste your thoughts into the LogicPro forum. I just wonder, why other LogicPro users do not complain about this? Cause I searched a lot already.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,400 mod

    @Sir Hannes It definitely looks like an issue with Logic. Logic can do a lot with MIDI and it's easy to setup something without realizing it. One thing to try is to reset Logic to default settings, with no MIDI assigments or settings.

    Here's how:

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