How to change a single note volume on Kontakt

Alcoon Slambag
Alcoon Slambag Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


I've been using NI Noire for a while now and have noticed that whenever I press A4 on my midi keyboard, the note is significantly louder than others. I've tried to open the mapping editor but the wrench that you are supposed to click to get there doesn't exist. I assume it's because I'm using the free version of Kontakt 7, but I would like to know if there is any other way to edit the volume of specific notes. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    If you have ruled out your keyboard as a cause, this will reduce the played velocity of a note specified in line 2 (81 is A4) by the percentage specified in line 3. Try different values. Click KSP (top R) > Edit, paste into text area, click Apply each time if you change it.

    on init
     declare $bum_note := 81
     declare $percentage_reduction := 95
    end on
    on midi_in
     if ($MIDI_COMMAND = $MIDI_COMMAND_NOTE_ON and $MIDI_BYTE_1 = $bum_note)
      set_event_par($EVENT_ID,$EVENT_PAR_MIDI_BYTE_2, $MIDI_BYTE_2 * $percentage_reduction/100)
     end if
    end on

    It will affect all instruments in that instance of Kontakt. To keep the multiscript, save as multi.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    Is it only happening in Kontakt? Not on other software synths? Is it happening with all Kontakt libraries then? Which one specifically? Even with a full version of Kontakt there isn't any setting specific to one note and it's velocity. What kind/model/brand of keyboard is it?

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro
    edited October 2024

    Digital pianos often have inconsistencies in the samples which you may not notice until you have been playing for a few weeks.

    Start off by checking your keyboard. MIDI transpose the instrument by a semitone - Instrument Options (gear wheel where the spanner should be) /Instrument/MIDI Transpose. Is the same note affected? You can also check the velocities of different notes from your keyboard with the MIDI Monitor Factory Multiscript (Click KSP, top R, preset/factory/Utilities). Use Verbose mode.

    If you're sure it's the instrument that's causing the problem, you might think it worth buying/borrowing a full version of Kontakt, which will enable you to alter the volume of the individual samples in the Mapping Editor (remember there may be 10 or more samples for each note) or even adjust EQ (modulate by key position, and use the Modulation Shaper in Table Mode).

    If it's purely a matter of volume, a simple multiscript (which would work even with the free Kontakt Player) could reduce the played velocity of that single note.

  • Alcoon Slambag
    Alcoon Slambag Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    How exactly would you go about creating a multi script to reduce the velocity?

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    If you have ruled out your keyboard as a cause, this will reduce the played velocity of a note specified in line 2 (81 is A4) by the percentage specified in line 3. Try different values. Click KSP (top R) > Edit, paste into text area, click Apply each time if you change it.

    on init
     declare $bum_note := 81
     declare $percentage_reduction := 95
    end on
    on midi_in
     if ($MIDI_COMMAND = $MIDI_COMMAND_NOTE_ON and $MIDI_BYTE_1 = $bum_note)
      set_event_par($EVENT_ID,$EVENT_PAR_MIDI_BYTE_2, $MIDI_BYTE_2 * $percentage_reduction/100)
     end if
    end on

    It will affect all instruments in that instance of Kontakt. To keep the multiscript, save as multi.

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