Expression pedal

academyofrock Member Posts: 32 Member

I have a Komplete 15 Collectors Edition.  For some time now, I have not been able to use the Expression pedal to control the wah in GR6.  I now have GR7 and have also noticed the following:

  1. The Expression pedal and sustain pedal do work as they show 0 / 127 on Logic when operated.
  2. Neither work on GR6 or pianos such as The Gentleman / Alicia’s keys etc.
  3. I have tried the online suggestions in articles etc.

I would have attached some video to show some of these points, but the system does not allow video. I have configured the Expression and sustain pedal in the stand alone Komplete Kontrol, plus shut the computer down and plugged everything back in. No change.

Any help gratefully received.


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