Mostly success with a new s61 but still no expression pedal cc 11

Michael Terry
Michael Terry Member Posts: 119 Member

so after a real rough day getting my new s 61 KK keyboard to integrate with studio one v6 I’ve pretty much got a stable system… except, the expression pedal isn’t working. I’ve set it up correctly and the default midi template does that as well but when I move the pedal up and down, the midi light in S1 does not light up. There is absolutely nothing in S1 that tells me my cc11 is working from the expression pedal. Is it possible the touch strip being set cc11 cancels out the foot pedal? The cc11 being controlled by my foot is such a big part of my process… string swells, brass swells, etc. Anyway, I’m sure this is something simple… thanks in advance.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru
    edited October 2024

    I don't use S1, but I thought of some questions for you anyway:

    1. What brand and model is this expression pedal?
    2. Do you have polarity reversed in the MK3's settings? Exactly how is the MK3 set up for the pedal? Maybe take a pic of that screen on the MK3 and post it here.
    3. I'm going to say that the touch strip does not step on any widely used CC information. And I think we can all agree that CC11 is "widely used". Something else is going on there. Okay, I was wrong there. The touch strip does indeed use CC11. The question is, does it share CC11 with the expression pedal port on the back of the unit, or does it get "muted" when a pedal is plugged in there. If I have time, I'll test this myself (but with either Ableton or Cubase, 'cause I don't have S1.
    4. Is your MK3 plugged into the computer with USB only, or is it also plugged into something via the old school MIDI ports and old school MIDI din cables too?
    5. Exactly WHICH pedal port is your expression pedal plugged into? Don't guess…there are 4 ports, so put eyes on the back panel of the MK3 and tell us exactly what is plugged into where.
    6. Which ports are you using in the S1 software to reference the MK3? There are different spellings which mean different things, so please spell out the name for us exactly the same way it's spelled in S1's settings.
    7. What version of Komplete Kontrol?
    8. What version of the MK3 firmware?
    9. What version of S1?
    10. I take it this is Windows? Which one and what version?

    I would normally agree that this should be something simple to figure out. That's the good news. The challenge is doing the actual figuring out part, haha!

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