Issue with 4Trak software and Traktor Pro 4

Hi, I recently bought a Numark 4Trak second-hand and have been struggling to get the software to working. When using Traktor Pro 3 the deck works perfectly, but I could not find anyway to purchase this version. When I clicked on purchase it brought me to the Traktor Pro 4 purchase page so eventually after 2 weeks I purchased it. Sadly, I can't get the traktor pro 4 to properly import the mappings for the 4trak. Whenever I import the mappings, it goes back to Traktor 2 scratch (the keyboard djing?) so I am unsure of how to solve this.

Does anyone have any tips on this?


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    it goes back to Traktor 2 scratch 

    What do you mean "it goes back"? What goes back?

    Can you share a screenshot of the setting tab "controller manager"? Is the 4Trak available in the "devices" drop down?

  • skyeskyeskye
    skyeskyeskye Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Here are some screenshots that hopefull help you. I think that in the tab "controller manager" 4trak only shows up if I select "generic Midi device".

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    How do you import that mapping?

  • OLIE1164
    OLIE1164 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I’ve got the exact same issue. I moved from Pioneer and rekorbox to this mess, can't believe how complicated Native Instruments have made all of this!! Feels like I've stepped back 100 steps.

    Any luck with getting it to work with TP4?! Such a silly shame that its no longer possible to buy TP3

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,872 Expert

    If you share the mapping file, maybe someone can take a look.

  • radbrad
    radbrad Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I'm also having the same issue with the same controller. I'm trying to use the mapping found on the Native Instruments 3rd party Traktor ready controllers found here:

    I also cannot import the map from my Traktor 3 software. I've tried both maps importing in the lower left of the preferences window as well as adding them within the Controller Manager > Device Setup > Add > Import from disk.

  • snowbro
    snowbro Member Posts: 24 Member

    Interested if anyone got their Numark 4trak to work with Traktor 4, as I'm interested in buying the controller 2nd hand

  • radbrad
    radbrad Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I got a message back from support. "This is a known bug that should be solved in a future release of TP4. This is the bug ID: TP-18975"

    Looks like we're stuck on Traktor 3 for now.

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