Kontakt in Luna making midi notes play endlessly

Hfasteve Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

hi, I’m hanging an issue using kontakt 7 with Luna. It loads no problem on a track, but then when play a note it sustains forever. I haven’t recorded anything I’m just auditioning sounds and every note I play goes on forever. Every other plug in VST works normally. Any thoughts? Thanks


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    In what context does this happen? What's your operating system? What kind of keyboard do you have, brand, model?

    I just tried and opened Kontakt 7 in Luna, loaded a couple of instruments and everything is working as expected.

    If you open Kontakt in standalone, do you get the same issue?

  • Hfasteve
    Hfasteve Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I have windows 11 . I use m audio axiom 49 keyboard. I load Kontakt onto an instrument track. Choose a sound and hit a key on the keyboard. The sound will play and never stop. Unless it’s a piano or something then it will sustain as if the sustain pedal is depressed.

    All other virtual instruments perform fine.

    Kontakt performs normally with other DAWs such as protools and studio one.

    I have never opened Kontakt as a standalone.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited October 2024

    Well, could you try Kontakt in standalone? To see if the issue is coming from a setting in Luna or a setting on Kontakt and/or yourkeyboard. Do you have a sustain pedal on this keyboard? Or any knob assigned to CC64? Can you check if there's sustain info when playing the keyboard 1. by itself, 2? In Kontakt in standalone, 3 In Kontakt in Luna? How to Monitor the Output of a MIDI Controller

    If it's only in Luna, please check if you setup any particular MIDI settings, even accidentally.

  • Bobby Martin
    Bobby Martin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I am having the same issue. Bought Sessions Pro Horns and Ireland suite. The Horns play perfect standalone, same with the Ireland stuff. Load into LUNA as a plug-in, the horns sustain indefinitely. BUT, I tried recording a track to see if it records that way(which was really hard to do to ignore the sustained notes) and it DOES NOT record that way. Played back fine, no sustain. Seems like it is just through the audio output(headphones) as you are playing. Seems like the Ireland suite was fine, no, just checked. The drums and anything percussive are ok. But the accordion, flutes, and pipes all sustain.

    I am using an M-audio 88 key keyboard. I am pretty new to MIDI so don't really know if perhaps it's a setting in Native Instrument Kontakt 8. All my other plug-in's from other parties work perfectly.

    No sustain peddle on the keyboard, I have tried everything I can think of. Re-installed NI Horns, still the same.

    Using Windows 10, Intel i9-9900 CPU.

    Have been on the Universal Audio forum as well, no word yet.

    Thanks for any help, I love the horn section and The Ireland suite and can't wait to record them.


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,033 Guru

    When I googled Native Instruments and Luna I got a ton of results talking about various issues related to this on multiple discussion forums. Clearly it's some kind of Luna issue as these plug ins play fine standalone in Kontakt and on other DAWs. You might want to follow up on some of those kind of google results as there may be a workaround you can employ.

  • Bobby Martin
    Bobby Martin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I came to the conclusion that it was LUNA and have posted on UAD's forum as well.

    I'm new to MIDI being a guitar player but thought in the meantime I could use my laptop to play the NI stuff with the M-audio keyboard, then use the laptop audio out to record the signal in LUNA on my desktop. Just like it was live.

    Thanks for the info.


  • Hfasteve
    Hfasteve Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Yeah. It’s Luna on windows. It works on the other DAWs I have and it works on Luna on Mac.

  • Bobby Martin
    Bobby Martin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Ok, thanks. It is new on windows and still in BETA.

    I figured it was up to UAD to figure out. I will hound them.

    Thanks again for the info.


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