Leap expansions missing in Kontakt??

AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper


I just got Komplete 15 and noticed some expansions are missing in the leaf section of kontakt.

All expansions were installed in native access, but only a handful are showing up in kontakt..

NI any help? I tried to open a ticket but the NI help bot is not working for me…

Best Answer

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper
    Answer ✓

    I reinstalled the Expansions via native access, then left kontakt 8 open for an hour or so to build the database and the expansions appeared..


  • pranaearth
    pranaearth Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Did you check in Native Access to see if you've downloaded them yet?

  • SamAbbey
    SamAbbey Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I have the same problem!

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper
    Answer ✓

    I reinstalled the Expansions via native access, then left kontakt 8 open for an hour or so to build the database and the expansions appeared..

  • Dörk
    Dörk Member Posts: 8 Member

    II have similar Problems with two Leap Expansions. 'Lo-Fi Vibes' is available in Kontakt 8, but not shown in Native Access 2. But much worse is the fact that 'Drum Breaks' is shown as installed in Native Access 2 but it is not available in Kontakt 8. Even reinstall or uninstall/install of the Expansions does not solve the Problem. And it also seems that running Kontakt 8 for an hour or even longer, for potentially build of the database, does not solve the Problem. So is there a way to let Kontakt 8 explicitly rescan all content and rebuild the database?

  • Dörk
    Dörk Member Posts: 8 Member

    Meanwhile I found out, that the 'Drum Breaks' Leap Expansions in Kontakt 8 is only missing in the new Browser. When I switch to the side pane in classic view the Expansion shows up in the Library List…

  • AxMusic
    AxMusic Member Posts: 132 Helper

    I am currently asking support regarding that very issue.. waiting for a reply.. I have the LoFi Vibes expansion in Kontakt 8 but not in Native access 2. In the meantime until i get a reply anyone else having similar issue? NI is an update needed to solve this issue?

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