Files spread over several drives

Bobsbopin Member Posts: 1 Member

Dear Helpers: I've had Komplete versions since 2015, several HD and PCs.
When trying to activate Komplete 15 Ultimate I realize I have several duplicates of programs in different places. I understand how to move, and how to repair programs. But I really need help deciding where to put each of the types of files.

I also seem to have choice of Native Access 2 or Native Access (Legacy)? How do I know which is active, OR how to make that setting updated?

I have attached a 2-pg pdf file of relevant files/folders I can find. There are some duplicates; I need to optimize the locations; and I need help deciding where to set my installation preferences to take advantage of my hard drive space.
Can you tell me what my default destinations should be (especially in order to get files off my C: drive, and most content & project files onto the <Samsung_T5 (G:) drive?
Thank you so much for whatever you can do to help.
Happy October, Bob

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