where is the Kontakt 8 database held on the PC

Brianalipa Member Posts: 52 Member

I need to del the current db file in K8 as it is corrupt and I believe if I remove it ,it will rebuild itself without corruption

in KK it is a .db3 file but cant find that in K8

Any help would be useful I'm still wafting on a response to my ticket ,the have only had my money for 3 weeks and I have spent a week trying to get K8 to work,

please excuse the moan

but the time taken to get things fixed after you pay good money and it does not work is very poor reward for my loyalty

PS I'm on windows 10


  • DonSey
    DonSey Member Posts: 8 Member

    Open "Native Access" , Open "Library" , Open "Applications" , Find "Kontakt " 8 . click ( … ) , you then have 4 choices ( Reinstall , Release Notes , Installation Paths , How to Uninstall )

  • Brianalipa
    Brianalipa Member Posts: 52 Member

    Hi I found where to delete the database but it did not fix the problem I uninstalled reinstalled k8 but still same I repacked the database but it never completes so I think it must be a bug still waiting for a solution from ni . I updated to k8.1 still same ,the strang thing is kk works fine so if it sits on top of k8 then it must use its own data base, ps the repack can take 8 hours but fails with a memory problem IE it uses 98% of pc memory and never completes,thanks for the reply


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