How to switch Massive presets in Mashine Plus with Programm Change message?

Deni Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

How to switch listed Massive Presets inside one instance of Massive by Program Change ? Like it described here:

It works fine in Maschine software on laptop and I can create a macro knob with Program change parameter and I can use automation lane to change Massive preset at the start of scenes inside of my project. But when I open the same project in standalone Mashine Plus, automation doesn't work and Massive doesn't react to macro knob.

Is it possible at all?

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    Answer ✓

    Well, Reaktor definitely supports Program Changes. For Massive it's a little different. You need to create a list of programs on the desktop Massive application/plug-in, there's no other implementation and this is not possible in Maschne Plus.


  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 292 Pro

    I thought @tetsuneko once posted a PC workaround and probably can answer this one for you. It also involves preparation on desktop and import a preset on the M+ to use in standalone.

    As I don’t use the desktop Maschine SW I don’t know or can’t reproduce his suggestion. So I also don’t know if it works for controlling the standalone versions of the instruments.

  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 156 Pro

    Having multiple instances of Massive doesn’t hog that much cpu. The first one is the biggest.

    I tried to integrate program changes to my workflow with MK3. It wasn’t worth the effort, but it was doable.

    Maybe reconsider if it is worth it for you.

    Also: you can utilize lock states to bypass plugins to free up cpu. This is considered to be a secret tip. I don’t know how well it works with plus.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,646 Expert

    IIRC Massive must be configured to properly react to MIDI program changes. This is most probably not possible on the M+ as it doesn’t have a UI for that setup.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 295 Member

    Massive - you must prepared sounds you want to change them with MIDI program change.

    I connected MIDI controller via USB and I was easy changing Reaktor presets, in my opinion amazing.

  • Deni
    Deni Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Yes, it works with Reaktor but it doesn't work with Massive.

    Seems like yet another bug in Mashine Plus

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,646 Expert

    If anything, it’s a restriction not a bug. Which presets (of potentially tens of thousands) would you Massive expect to choose when sending Program Change 1 to 128?

    As already mentioned (and explained in the support article you posted), Massive (standalone) has a special configuration page (Programs) in the Sounds Browser to map MIDI PC to presets. This feature (like many others of Massive) is neither accessible on the M+, nor from a Maschine controller on the desktop.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 295 Member

    You must choose 127 of them and on 3rd page od Massive you can drag them to section Program.

    I use external MIDI controller - Program change control.

  • Deni
    Deni Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Guys, you are saying exactly what I described in my post. There is the link to NI's manual, did you see it? I do the same. Also Reakor doesn't have native UI in controller/standalone mode for preset change by #PC but it works in standalone mode. Thre are two ways to send #PC to Massive or Reaktor sound to chane presets:

    1. Use external midi device

    2. Create a macro knob on new sound in the same group with your Massive/Reaktor and assign "Program change" parameter and point your Massive/Reaktor pad in "MIDI out" page

    So we have:

    1. User can change Reaktor presets by #PC in desktop Mashine

    2. User can change Massive presets by #PC in desktop Mashine

    3. User can change Reaktor presets by #PC in standalone Mashine+

    3. User CAN NOT change Massive presets by #PC in standalone Mashine+

    This is definitely a bug. Okay, we can call it "restriction" or "another dissapointment" but this change nothing.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 295 Member

    Sorry if I made you confused, for me it's something simple but I am 41 Year old and don't take it to seriously.

    I attach Nektar P1 and that's it. I can program it hoewer I want but one thing is right away on almost all MIDI controllers.

    Program Change - MIDI control

    Notes - controls

    It's enough for place and do Automation/Modulation - Lock States in real time or on linear Time Line in Patterns Song ect. Same is with Section and Scenes.

    Program Change is specific because it's not same as Mod Wheel MIDI control.

    You can make your own map in Control Editor on Computer.

    Massive FM8 have this feature of program change or sounds but it needs preparation, you have to choose 127 Sounds you want to change.

    I honestly hope that this will help start understanding.

  • HenryA
    HenryA Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    This is interesting, in case it applies only to Massive and e.g. not Reaktor.
    We could do an experiment (I don't own M+ thus unable to conduct it myself):
    - If you could try to create the aforementioned setup and test Reaktor, Massive and FM8 (I believe all of them are part of the M+ shipped software, so you probably have them on your M+ and computer), and see if it's really the Massive that has this bug or there's something else.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    Answer ✓

    Well, Reaktor definitely supports Program Changes. For Massive it's a little different. You need to create a list of programs on the desktop Massive application/plug-in, there's no other implementation and this is not possible in Maschne Plus.

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