NI/Traktor need to change their approach to the latency/ "crackling" issues



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Win and Apple are rather differen worlds, Apple offers couple of models, that are more or less tuned and more ore less work. But not always…. Pro users have problems with interfaces that intensively use USB3. At least on certain models. Apple has something wrong in USB3 implementation…

    Win on contrary has thousands models, some better, some worse. And hundreds CPU models, different chipsets and so on. If one buys quality computer with propper CPU and so on, everything works fine.

    If someone buys computer with 10 core CPU that has only 2 performance cores and insufficient cooling… Then it might be hard to make it work….

    So, experienced user may avoid most/all problems by buying sufficient HW.

  • partofthepuzzle
    partofthepuzzle Member Posts: 28 Member
    edited February 18

    I've been using Traktor 2 and then Traktor 3 (haven't upgraded to Traktor 4 yet) on two ASUS Windows laptops (Win 8 for several years and Win 11 for 1 1/2 years. Zero Windows problems with Traktor - though I should add I turn off Internet connection when I'm DJing etc. Just common sense things.

  • QWER2580
    QWER2580 Member Posts: 30 Member

    I've been on some cheap ass 13" ASUS ZenBook for a few years and I'm always amazed at how it handles even tho Traktor 4 shows CPU maxed out pretty much the whole time. Just played a three hour show with no audio problems, tho by the last hour my cue marks disappeared :| Never crashed live either. Editing playlists used to crash it occasionally in TP3, only once with TP4.

    Thanks for the thread tho! I'm going to look into all the advice to see if there's anything I could potentially be doing wrong / have missed regarding optimization. Wifi off is not an option, as some of my songs come from Beatport streaming.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Because, different programs may "decide" to connect to server, download things and so on….

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert
  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    It could cause dropout. At least some people have that experience.

    Imagine, that Win "decides" to download bulky update… And in worst case to install it. And maybe even restart computer….

    Or something starts to make data backup to cloud. And so on…

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 348 Guru

    Solving CPU Core Parking on windows 11 solved a lot of my DPC latency issues in the past year or so.

    Recommend checking it out.

  • frankle
    frankle Member Posts: 59 Advisor

    Been using Traktor since about 2007 when the Audio 8 DJ came out, mostly on Mac laptops starting with a PowerBook G4, lol.

    I have however installed Traktor on various PC laptops, mostly or testing purposes or to help diagnose things for friends … and I've even had to rely on one of these installs when I completely forgot to pack my Mac in my DJ bag, however I had my half dodgy Dell Latitude 7310 in the car and a USB stick that I use to transfer music each week … so get to the club, plug in the DJM-900NXS2 after downloading the drivers, plug in my USB hub that goes to the 3x CDJ-2000NXS2 … and it all worked fine! That laptop has Windows 10 LTSC on it which I'm sure helps as it's void of so much bloat ware, and integrated graphics so you're not fighting with AMD or Nvidia drivers (Traktor isn't that GPU intensive, bigger is not always better). Quad Core 10th Gen i7-10610U with 16GB RAM, awesome backup machine!

    Mac's however have not been faultless over the years, the hardware has always been consistently solid (barring the Haswell USB3 chipsets that didn't like early NI hardware … but I blame Intel for that, lol) but the software, well … there was a time where IOAudioStream errors occurred randomly. After an insane amount of testing through OS X Mavericks, Yosemite and El Capitan, I ended up rolling back to Mountain Lion and on the same hardware it was faultless!

    It turns out that there were changes under the hood of these three operating systems … that were eventually fixed in OS X Sierra … that Apple will never admit to.

    And this is why I generally run 1 or 2 macOS versions behind, currently on Ventura 13.7.4 and deliberately purchased a used M1 Max recently to finally jump to Apple Silicon from trusty Intel 2019/2020 MacBooks, so that I could stay with Ventura on that too.

    You don't need the latest and greatest everything, but when you get a good solid system stick to it and have fun mixing!

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    I tried the reset button, only to find out it also resets custom input and output routing 🫠

    I'm currently writing a small powershell script that can disable windows services like printer and update, optional wifi and activate ultra performance powersaving mode.

    We will see if that helps at all.

    Do you pin it to a single core?

    Is this on CPUs with multiple numa nodes? Or new intel CPU with different cores?

    On rekordbox I could DJ and stream to twitch via wifi(2 cameras, encoding etc.) from the same laptop without a hickup, in in powersaving mode.
  • AudiFreq
    AudiFreq Member Posts: 46 Helper
  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 348 Guru

    It's on an MSI prestige 14 with an Intel Core i7-1280P

    Mix of performance and efficiency cores.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


    On rekordbox I could DJ and stream to twitch via wifi(2 cameras, encoding etc.) from the same laptop without a hickup, in in powersaving mode.

    Sure, Wifi on may work fine. Mainly if one knows, what he is doing. Switch off Wifi recomedation is for those who have problems, and do not know how to configure OS and applications so that wifi on does not matter.

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