Logic Modulator should control Kontakt

Sir Hannes
Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

I am used putting Modulator in LogicPro 10.8.1 onto all parameters I want. Now in Kontakt, it isn't assigning anything. That's to the weird coding of Kontakt I will not understand in my life time. Anyhow, I still want to automate stuff via Modulator. Is there a trick or a way to do so? I tried in Learn Mode to select parameters in Strummed Acoustic, to select Parameters in the Automation list - but nothing happens.

How do you do this? Impossible?

Thank you!


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    I have no clue what the Modulator is in Logic Pro, but unless it produces MIDI notes it really has little relevance to Kontakt virtual instrument libraries like Strummed Acoustic. Each virtual instrument library is just a simulator for a specific instrument and the way they are configured determines how they respond to MIDI notes that are played. Whatever audio is produced by Modulator has no relevance to a Kontakt virtual instrument.

  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    "The modulator MIDI plug-in can generate commands for fixed controllers, aftertouch and pitch bend. It consists of a synchronizable LFO and a delay/attack/hold/release envelope.
    Both the LFO and the envelope can be assigned as the output source for all CC, aftertouch, plug-in parameters (in the same channel strip) and pitch bend commands."

    I thought in this way. I can control any VI or PlugIN in the same track, only Kontakt isn't doing anything.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru
    edited September 2024

    If you're talking about controlling the various parameters in something like Strummed Acoustic, most of those are just simple MIDI CC commands and values that can be sent from any MIDI controller. Some are mapped to standard universal CC's such as modulation or pitch wheels or volume settings from a MIDI controller (although they can usually be re-mapped to other MIDI CC's if necessary). Keyswitches are also generally mapped to a some general MIDI CC values for reserved keyboard notes. For example in strummed acoustic you can use the different CC values listed on the interface to change between different strum patterns throughout a song that respond to certain key presses.

    I'm not sure from your description if the modulator can send specific MIDI CC commands to the Kontakt plugin, but that's how you would automate the selection and parameters of a sample based VI library such as Strummed Acoustic. But that particular library doesn't have any ADSR facilities but others (Gravity for example) do that might be automatable from from your Modulator plug in.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    Kontakt has a number of problems but "weird coding" is not one of them.

    Communication with Kontakt is almost entirely via MIDI messages. If you R-click a knob or slider and get MIDI Learn you can automate it with any cc. (If you don't, you can't.) If you then send the correct cc messages on the correct channel, Kontakt will respond.

    Modulator sends out a stream of controller messages in the shape of an LFO or envelope. If Kontakt isn't responding you haven't connected it up properly.

    (They are continuous controllers, not "fixed".)

  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member
    edited September 2024

    As a workaround I select any MIDI CC's from the list inside of Logics Modulator. In Kontakt I then use right click to "Learn MIDI CC# Automation".

    + it works
    - I don't see the name of the parameter destination which is a problem automating 6-10 parameters at once.
    - instead I see "Breath" which then controls for example the PAN knob :-/

    Thank you both for your hints to let me do this.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    It's not a workaround, it's how you do it. I wouldn't expect your DAW to know which knob/slider in Kontakt you've assigned a particular cc to. What it's giving you is the usual use of that cc. For instance, cc#2 is normally used for Breath control, PAN is usually cc#10. For your own clarity, you might prefer to use the conventional assignments on all your instruments (Google will tell you what they are.)

  • Sir Hannes
    Sir Hannes Member Posts: 25 Member

    I see and agree. Being used to click on the "learn" button in Modulator, select

    • any (!) other parameter of
    • any (!) other VI or plugin so far
    • without even think about MIDI CC
    • the name of the parameter shows up in full length inside of Modulator.
    • Except Kontakt.

    Additionally I am thinking about if it is worth to upgrade to version 8, which might not give me that comfortable ability shown above, you might see my motivation to ask. :-)

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    I'm sure it does that by assuming that plugins are using conventional cc numbers for their different functions. Kontakt and libraries written for Kontakt mostly do this too, but Kontakt is more flexible and allows you to assign any old cc# to any old function. So if you're going to assign your own ccs in Kontakt, LogicPro won't guess them right unless you use the conventional ones.

    There is no route whereby Kontakt could possibly communicate MIDI assignment information to the host programme, so don't hold your breath (cc#2) when K8 comes out.

    Perhaps it's not actually a bad thing to be thinking about MIDI CC.

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