Better Deal for Komplete 15 for owners of Izotope

arahming Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

I realize that NI has not completely integrated Izotopes products into Native Access for owners of products they purchased on Izotopes page. I would expect there to be some type of better deals than the same rebate when a person already owns Komplete 14 collectors edition and All the Izotope advanced products. maybe another $100 off. I haven't even had a chance to compare 14 to 15 to see if it's worth the upgrade.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    Won't see a "better" deal from iZotope on Komplete.

    Matter of fact - as an owner of almost all the iZotope stuff myself - I seldom actually see a good deal at all when buying directly from iZotope (via my supposed "loyalty" offers).

    Pricing is always more aggressive elsewhere and so are better deals on any iZotope product


  • JT Static
    JT Static Member Posts: 5 Member

    As an old new comer I would like to lift the fact though that for me iZotope additions was one of the main reasons for upgrading from 14 Standard which again was a huge value in summer sale as an owner of some older products from NI, like Kontakt.

    You now get a pretty much complete package to go with your DAW integrated FX plugins if you need to reach for something a bit more specialized. Especially the introductory offer of Neutron there is now a pretty much complete mixing chain included, as was the upgrade for Ozone which even in version 10 was a very usable tool for mastering.

    As a pleasent surprise somewhat hidden from spotlight I was pleasantly surprised with addition of Trash and Vocalsynth as well.

    I anticipate there will soon be another upgrade for these products, somewhat decreasing the value, but for me anyway these additions alone made the upgrade worthwile cosidering what they cost separately. And very well worth it even in their current versions.

    TBH for me at least the instrument upgrades weren't that big of a deal as I don't really use Kontakt that much at the moment at least. But it's still nice to have as a platform for future use and again huge value for what it cost if you think about separate plugin prices.

    I also reckon it' s always the case when owning more separate plguins, you don't get as a good of a deal, I guess that's just how it rolls. Once you are in the ecosystem, either have to buy the greatest and latest separately, or wait for addition to bundles..

  • Scoops
    Scoops Member Posts: 78 Member

    As an owner of Izotpe Everything and Komplete 14 UCE.

    I know as a past loyal user of both these platforms extensively, Loyalty offers in the past were once meaningful and substantive.

    Nowdays, the loyalty offers are a spit in the face.

  • MjTom
    MjTom Member Posts: 5 Member

    I'm going to buy the $99 Kontakt update. As an owner of Komplete 14 Ultimate, Izotope Music Production Suite, Ozone 11 Advanced, Guitar Rig 7 Pre, Alicia Keys… There's simply too much overlap and not enough new features or products (that I will use) to justify the $399 upgrade price. Also, IMO, NI has had more than generous time to integrate Izotope customer accounts. Guess I'm in maintenance mode. :D

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,241 Expert

    Or you could just rock with K8 Player to see how you like it before committing cash.

    Kontakt Full is really only needed if you are programming and creating libraries etc. If you just need library playback - Player is free and will be just fine.

    That said - $99.00 bucks is a decent price.


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