Tidal SoundCloud new music resources

J-New Member Posts: 32 Member

I love T4- Stems, Pattern Beat maker, Remix decks and the most intuitive hardware in the biz… But I have seen over 167 votes for Tidal and or SoundCloud… Every other DJ controller has it… Tidal has DJ applications within the app to match song keys and show DJs new songs we might not have thought of using and you can download playlists for offline use so you know your tracks are there… Can we please get Tidal it is one of the most voted on suggestions I have seen. Thanks for all that NI does ✌️ Please let us know if this will ever happen, if not, I think I gotta go…



  • Nati
    Nati Member Posts: 1 Member

    We need Tidal and SoundCloud integration sooner than later. Traktor Pro is one of the best Dj programs out there but has been losing (lost) ground to the likes of Rekordbox and others. I love how detailed Traktor Pro can be, from the complete control in the Remix Decks and the mapping system. It can seem challenging at first but with a basic knowledge of how Traktor maps, you can achieve complete control of any controller. Even with this, I have switched to Dj Pro Ai because I've grown tired of waiting for Tidal to be included as a streaming platform. I was disappointed to see that it was not included with Traktor Pro 4. This version has the makings of a great product, but is missing the above platform that all other Dj programs currently have. I think NI will win back their customers (me as well) and add more to the fan base with the above integration (many users of Tidal). Please add Tidal/SoundCloud to the mix.

  • J-New
    J-New Member Posts: 32 Member

    I totally agree. I have seen similar posts for Tidal receiving 167 Up Votes. I wish they would get Tidal- make it offline usable and add the Song Key/BPM finding option. To everyone that is like "go find you own music" - It's a tool to find NEW music I might not have thought of… But Nati you pretty much nailed it, Traktor is so great, we just need a more comprehensive music source.

  • QWER2580
    QWER2580 Member Posts: 30 Member

    This came up last night talking with another DJ regarding playing regular DJ shows - bars and corporate and such. Beatport is great for music you'd call "tracks" but when it comes to "songs" Tidal's where it's at.

  • J-New
    J-New Member Posts: 32 Member

    Yeah I live at the beach and wanna play Sublime, Grateful Dead lol and then mix in and play my own tunes live on guitar, to tracks I produce. I'm not a really a rave style player nothing against it, just not my bag. Trakor hardware is so great… I have no idea why they wouldn't expand their base and add Tidal- every other hardware has it, so it seems… Oh well…… over 167 votes for Tidal, lol, but I guess they have their reasons. Love T4 software too!!!

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Well it is not so simple that NI just has to code Tidal integration. There must be some sort of legal agreement between Native Instruments and Tidal to support integration. I expect that this is the main reason for not including Tidal streaming. Maybe it also isn't so easy for NI to integrate Tidal with obeying to their legal terms. Some parts within Traktor code are old and maybe some sort of requirement needs a bit more lines of changed code.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,364 Expert

    It's also worth bearing in mind that Tidal is for personal use only - despite them offering a separate DJ Extension and openly advertising their partnership with DJ software and hardware companies.

    They recently sent out emails to DJs that clearly stated the personal use aspect.

  • J-New
    J-New Member Posts: 32 Member

    True, you're probably right, but most every other DJ hardware has Tidal sooo- I just read in NI Product updates they are working towards a way for us Traktor lovers to access new content, fingers crossed!!!

  • J-New
    J-New Member Posts: 32 Member

    I'd be happy to stream to tracks in private and then pay artists for their tracks for public use. Using stems and figuring out what really works in the studio and THEN when you find new songs you love buy them… I've been buying tracks from Apple Music now just because I prefer to have a track on hard drive rather than stream live. But I didn't know Tidal had that clause, interesting point! Thank you! One of their compatible hardware DJ systems already offers offline use. But I like Tidal because it has a DJ feature the offers tracks that would mix with tracks you already use, that's a dope feature- help me find tracks I might not have thought of. Traktor 2 had that option in Sound Cloud and I loved it!! Found music I would not normally have mixed.

  • strangelo_e
    strangelo_e Member Posts: 1 Member

    yep same here I literally have to borrow a serato setup from a friend when I have to do indie:mainstream gigs because of no tidal support. It’s really a pain. Especially since I just bought the new X1.

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