Freeze mode behaviour on TP4 vs TP3

KarimS Member Posts: 42 Member

I'm using the exact same mapping on both TP4 and TP3 for activating freeze mode with loops.

On TP4 the mapping does not work and starts behaving erratically, on TP3 it works exactly as intended.

I think I should raise a ticket for this, unless someone has any bright ideas? Also - if some can send me the link to raise a ticket because the usual links just send me round in circles back to my own account.

I tried attaching a screen recording but the NI website doesn't allow this filetype🙄


  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 272 mod


    As far as I know, certain mappings have problems with the new update. Can you tell us which mapping are you using, maybe someone else have had the same freeze.

    If you would like to raise a ticket you can do it using the link below.

  • KarimS
    KarimS Member Posts: 42 Member

    Hi there,

    ActuallyActually this is a custom mapping that I made for my S4 MK 3. I'm happy to send screen recordings that show the difference in behavior between TP3 and TP4. I'll raise a ticket.

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