Kontakt not loading my instruments

RickyB51 Member Posts: 17 Member

In file explorer on WIN 11, my instrument files are there. When I try to load in Kontakt 5, 6 or 7, the instruments do not show up & or if they do, they don't load. As an example, in Spitfire Strings, all the nki or nks files are in the folder, but they won't show up when in Kontakt, so can't load. Same thing in standalone. This is a new problem. I use Studio One 6 latest. HELP!



  • RickyB51
    RickyB51 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Screenshot. The top window is what opens from Kontakt, no instr. fiels. The bottom window is file exporer open to same folder. What gives? This is happening to many instruments! Everything worked fine until now! I reinstalled K5, K6 & K7.

  • RickyB51
    RickyB51 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Fixed it! I uninstalled Access, then reinstalled. Then there is 'add serial'. The in 'Maintenance' , Locate Product Content, & damn, it's working again. I still have to check other 3rd party plugs, but I'm confident now.

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