Configure Kontrol S2 with Traktor Pro 3 or 4 in Windows 11 Pro

I have had serious problems and I have been trying for days to solve it by watching YouTube videos to be able to connect my Kontrol S2 controller with the Traktor Pro 3 or 4 software….I used Windows 11 Pro….. I cannot configure the audio setup and if I use "assio4all v2" as "audio divice"... How do I correct the problem?


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    Can't you select the s2 as the audio device? Or any specific reasons why you want to use asio4all?

    If you can select the s2, can you share a screenshot of your output routing settings?

  • Alvaro Reynoso
    Alvaro Reynoso Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    It is my setup…. I have some error in my configuration....if you see output range, option 3 and 4 do not appear, why?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    Do you NEED to go through asio4all? Can't you use the native instruments asio driver?

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