Mk3 Midi templates dialogue box wont open when I try to import

Audio Odyssey
Audio Odyssey Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Hi, when I try to import a midi template into the S88 Mk3 (on the new firmware) no dialogue box opens for me to select the midi template. Do I need to be in a certain bit of software for it to open, or should it just open?, Thanks


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,330 mod


    this prompt comes from the NIHardwareConnectionServiceGUI.exe maybe it´s blocked somehow on your system. if you press "Export" then select the templates you want to export then press "Export" again the window opens right after, then you select the location. Same with the import window it just looks different.

  • Audio Odyssey
    Audio Odyssey Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Export doesn't work either unfortunately, I have no dialogue box, and no threats have been detected in windows protection.

  • Audio Odyssey
    Audio Odyssey Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Fixed thanks - I allowed NIHardwareConnectionServiceGUI.exe through the firewall (I had to tick private) and now it works, this is great thank you.

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