Kontrol S88 Mk3 & Studio One - scrub wheel doesn't move current position

LSyracuse Member Posts: 3 Member

When using my S49 MK2 in Studio One 6.5, the jog wheel moved the current position.

When using my new 88 MK3, it moves the fader of the currently selected track. which I can already do with the knob below that track.

Is there a way to make it move the current position on the Mk3 like it did with the MK2?

I am running the latest Studio One 6.5 latest version and latest S88 MK3 firmware. Tried on Midi 1 and Midi 2.



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,009 Guru

    You have to make sure you have the browser and appropriate track selected for the positioning to work and to jog through the various tracks.

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