Complete control, filter data record in Cubase with Zebra Legacy does not work!

soundmaker8 Member Posts: 3 Member

Hello dear community,

sorry my english is not so good.

I bought the ZebraLegacy from u-he and am also very happy with the synth and the many great sounds. Now I have found that I cannot record filter data: x and y or others, in Cubase with the help of my Native Kompletkeyboard A 49 and the rotary controls knobs. Is there a way to record the filters with the rotary controls of my keyboard?

The support of u-he could not help me, I was told to contact the native community, maybe someone has a tip. Can anyone help? - would bereally great:)

Best regards,


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    zebra legacy is nks ready, so you can control and browse within maschine or komplete kontrol. Do you use komplete kontrol in cubase, otherwise it won't work.

  • soundmaker8
    soundmaker8 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello Uwe,

    Thank you for youranswer.

    I opened in CubaseKomplete Kontrol and loaded Zebra as a plugin.
    Then I activatedthe automation "write," but the rotary movement of thebuttons is not recorded.

    Do you have anothertip, what I can do?

    Best regards,

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited August 2024

    if you open zebra inside of kk do you see the knob pages if you klick on the knob sign (1)? If i try with knifonium, and i set cubase to r/w i can move a knob (2) on software or hardware and a new automation lane is created + the automation recorded, you see those lines. And the knifonium is not perfectly mapped, you see that there is only page 1 to page 16 and not with usefull names like it should be with zebra.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,353 mod
    edited August 2024

    It's recording for me in Studio One, either this is a Cubase issue or a user error - as stated you need to be recording the mapped params not trying to move them with the mouse in the plugin if you are using Zebra in Komplete Kontrol plugin

  • soundmaker8
    soundmaker8 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello Uwe, hello Kymeia,

    Thank you for your answer.

    Just as you described it, I do it.
    With other plugins from Native Instruments there are no problems, even with other manufacturers such as Spitfire Audio, Heavyocity etc. everything works fine.
    Only not with Zebra - very sad : (

    Maybe someone else has a solution.

    Best regards,

  • Toni Hintikka
    Toni Hintikka Member Posts: 2 Member

    I noticed the same. I also cannot write Zebra automation with KK. All the other KK-instruments works just fine. Only Zebra is not working as expected. Cubase 13 Pro.

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