Features I’d like to see are: round-robin, better automation, and VST sorting.

Season Member Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Some features I’d like to see are:

The round-robin sampling/triggering ability 

The ability to be able to sort my VST’s whether by what’s my favorites, be it    instruments, effects, or just however I want. Part of this used to be a feature in Maschine 1.x if I remember.

Better automation [at least comparable to FL Studio]



  • Season
    Season Member Posts: 26 Member

    @Kai_NI Are there any notes regarding any of these features? I feel the VST sorting would be immensely helpful so I can find what I need and execute them a lot quicker. Scrolling through a long list by manufacturer (Sometimes the manufacturer’s name is changed from the VST or VSTi that I know) is quite inefficient. Albeit, I do need to shorten my list, getting to my regular’s is a must! The option to utilize Round Robin should have been implemented more than a decade ago. Kontakt can do it. I just generally don’t like being forced to have to use Kontakt since I don’t like the user interface. However this should be native within Maschine. I haven’t really checked lately but I bet Kore 2 could do it before support was ended. The automation isn’t so great or detailed like it should be either. Think about trying to use the same concept as a curve for fading in or out audio as a reference for how detailed the automation should be. #Let’sMakeMaschineBetterAndBringBackTheNaysayers!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2024

    There's really no point tagging Kai when there's an open share ideas sub-forum, the chances you get a reply are about 0.000001%

    Round-robin has probably been asked 30 times there in the Sampler thread.

    VST sorting can be done by saving presets as NKS so you can access them thru the User Browser.

    Theres also a section about modulation/automation, making it "better" was also asked 1000 times.

    Just go there and voice your opinion on the appropriate section.

This discussion has been closed.
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