Komplete 15

pnutbutta Member Posts: 30 Member

Here are my 15 characters 😁



  • pnutbutta
    pnutbutta Member Posts: 30 Member

    On a more serious note, the latest promotional email with the latest instruments brought me here. I like buying things in bulk. More bang for buck.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert

    I expect it come in few weeks. Say, 5-8 weeks. If NI will go on it is regular release pattern.

  • pnutbutta
    pnutbutta Member Posts: 30 Member

    Here's hoping!! It should be a doozy with all the latest stuff.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert

    Yes, but discounted versions will most probably come not sooner than during Summer Sale 2025. So, in almost one year.

  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 84 Advisor
    edited August 2024

    I only just got K14 Ultimate, so i'm hoping it's not in 5-8 weeks! lol.

    Although, it does make it easier knowing what's going to be in K15, as I have my eye on a few single products such as the upright bass and Alicia's electric keys, and would kick myself if I got one early and then found out it's in K15 a month or so later.

    Not a clue if either of those will become part of a K15 bundle or not, but it's the only way i'd break early and not wait for a sale next year! :)

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,082 Expert

    Anything that was released AFTER the first date of sale of K14 (Sept 27, 2022) is ripe for inclusion into Komplete 15.

    That said - this does not automatically mean that everything will be in there - we would need to wait and see for the official release listings.

    You would be smart to wait until you see the K15 lineup before pulling the trigger on standalone purchases.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,100 Expert


    I am afraid K15 will come very soon. Last two releases were on the "break" between September and October. And the previous even on beginning of September.

    It may be as much 2 weeks to come, but more probable is 6 weeks. Clear sign that it is to come soon is, that there are already heavy discounts on K14.

    But yes, it is just "qualified guess", nothing more. I may be wrong, if NI has decided to change release pattern.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,057 Guru

    Yep, NI is now owned by a different company. This will be their first release of Komplete under this company, so anything (or everything) could change this time around.

    I am hoping for new versions of Absynth, Battery, FM, and maybe Reaktor, all with 64 Bit, VST3, and MIDI 2.0 compatibility. But I wouldn't be surprised if I get none of that.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if we get a new Maschine release before Komplete 15. Or a whole new concept for a Maschine controller.

    Pretty much anything (or nothing) can happen.

    But I have stopped buying any NI products so that I can budget for K 15. Anything that comes with hardware will wait to see how it works when real humans buy it. I'm not going to buy any hardware on pre-order, either. This time it's got to prove itself.

  • pnutbutta
    pnutbutta Member Posts: 30 Member

    Very good point about the company change. Waiting optimistically for it to get here so we can at least see what they bundle.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,057 Guru

    I know that. It doesn't prevent me from hoping, however.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,057 Guru

    That's a good plan.

    Oh, and (insert here) the usual cautions about buying ANYTHING on pre-order. I usually do, but since the Komplete Kontrol MK3 debacle last year, some trust and goodwill needs to be rebuilt. So I might decide to wait before ordering the next version of Komplete.

    I'd kind of be happy if they were all working hard to fix Komplete Kontrol and decided to delay any upgrades to Komplete (and Maschine, for that matter). But they did release a new Traktor, so I'm sure they won't listen to my advice.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,082 Expert
    edited August 2024

    “Yep, NI is now owned by a different company. This will be their first release of Komplete under this company, so anything (or everything) could change this time around.”

    The current owners took over in January 2021. They have already done Komplete 14 so they already know the lay of the land.

    And there is no chance of a new Absynth. The original developer - who was the only one who would know the first thing about this instrument - has already confirmed he will not be back at NI. The project is now closed.


    MATAKAO Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited September 2024

    Hello everybody it's out in the french shops !! (and little disappointing, no update for battery, reaktor.etc, etc
 just some new soundbanks and a "new" Kontakt 8 ?!? gasp!!):

    Standard Edition : https://www.sonovente.com/native-instruments-komplete-15-standard-update-licence-p97468.html

    Collectors Edition : https://www.univers-sons.com/native-instruments-komplete-15-collector-s-edition-update-licence-p97518.html

    [Links edited/cleaned up by Moderator.]

  • Tomboman
    Tomboman Member Posts: 66 Helper

    Not quite sure if this is legit - Vocal Synth 2 is listed as included now (as new) - But it is already 6 years old. And Choir: Omnia Essentials is not even included in the Collectors Edition - So I am not sure if that all is true

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