Traktor Pro Plus features in 3.11.1. 17

D2Lover Member Posts: 56 Advisor
edited October 22 in Traktor Software & Hardware

My Subscription ends at the end of August will i be able to continue paying untill the end of the year?. As Pro Plus will be moved "to the main codebase" does that mean that 3.11.1. 17 will automatically have those features or will there be a final update for 3.11 users to enable this. I use S8 and D2's which both suffer crashes on start up in 4.0.02 and is a Known issue to be resolved so i can't risk that at my bookings at the moment and i still need the features i'm currently using with Pro plus in 3.11

  • Traktor Pro Plus
    All features exclusive to Traktor Pro Plus have been moved to the main codebase. The optional Traktor Pro Plus subscription for Traktor Pro 3 will be discontinued at the end of the year.


  • Dj Monde
    Dj Monde Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 10

    Niestety system Paypal pomimo rezygnacji żąda płatności za Pro Plus. Nie ma możliwości tego usunąć nawet po odinstalowaniu w Native Acces i rezygnacji w Paypalu . Jeżeli jest to już przeniesione do głównego kodu to dlaczego jest błąd ? Gdzie to zgłosić?

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