maschine mk3 external synth auto sample

dkk Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

up until today i was easily able to auto sample through midi via a pc system off my mac. sampling vst synths that are on pc but not on mac. easily achieved as says, but then abruptly today it has stopped. there are 'key components' i 'don't understand, which is why i'm raising this thread. one midi out cable from mk3 to midi in on soundcard connected to pc. (obviously routing via midi is activated)…before i had sound returning from pc to mac and could trigger start in maschine sample mode. 'start' is now ghosted. nothing i can do will retrieve it as an 'active button' unless i abandon 'auto sample' and move to detect, in which case i'm simply using audio, which means 'auto sample' is impossible. is there …and this is the question. is there a definitive midi set up that i could follow, since clearly what i had and what i had before i cannot retrieve. is anyone else operating in this way or even if going to an external synth could you please let me know what the settings are.


ps. you can see that 'start' is ghosted, despite all the midi n' audio settings being the same as i've always had.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,918 Expert

    What do you mean by „ghosted“? What happens if you press Button 5?

  • dkk
    dkk Member Posts: 7 Member

    problem solved and thanks ozon for taking time out to reply.

    it was a midi setting on page 2 ''midi to''….i had always thought it had been set in my saved instance, but required me to change it manually to Maschine Mk3

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,918 Expert

    @dkk great you were able to resolve it yourself and thanks for reporting the solution.

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