Feature request - PV view toggle for editing multis/template work

Aaron R Brown
Aaron R Brown Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hey all you music makers,

I'm writing to request a useful view feature in kontakt. When making multis for templates it's a ton of clicks to maximize, set midi, and audio outputs, scrolling up and down, etc. However, if you minimize, then maximize a track there is the PV button and this view would be perfect to have as a global toggle in the views, or as a button next to the Maximize/Minimize all!

Here you can see in PV it shows then output as well as midi for every channel. Having a PV toggle for all instances would quickly allow multi creators access to the key parameters. It would have saved so much much time and headaches building or updating a template this way! The midi channels aren't always in linear order, and often I have channels sharing some or staggered to allow future optimizations.

Secondary request being to allow shortcuts or scripts to quickly cascade things such as midi channel and outputs (so all get set consecutively from 1-X).



  • Aaron R Brown
    Aaron R Brown Member Posts: 6 Member

    Update for anyone wanting a quick way to re-order midi channels in multis!

    EvilDragon shared a kontakt script to allow re-ordering midi channels sequentially based on the actual order in the multi. So if you re-order things you can click a single button to assign the channels to each instrument instead of manually doing so.

    Also, changing the preference in Kontakt to assign options-handling-first free is helpful if not re-ordering the midi and dragging a lot in.

    That script combined with the batch to clear outputs and automatically build them makes my original request unwarranted.

    First, make sure if you are using VEPro that it's connected to your daw or it won't work.

    You can add this script in the kontakt editor by hitting the KSP button, hitting edit, pasting in script, collapse edit view, save and name the preset.

    Then the button can be clicked to reorder midi sequentially based on the current order of the multi! I've found better reliable success in GUI mode.


    on init
    declare $i
    declare ui_menu $Mode
    declare ui_button $Renumber

    add_menu_item($Mode, "By Slot Index", 0)
    add_menu_item($Mode, "By GUI Index", 1)

    set_control_par(get_ui_id($Renumber), $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 179)
    set_control_par(get_ui_id($Renumber), $CONTROL_PAR_TEXT_ALIGNMENT, 1)
    set_text($Renumber, "Renumber MIDI Channels")

    move_control_px($Mode, 60, 14)
    move_control_px($Renumber, 246, 14)

    end on

    on ui_control ($Renumber)
    $i := 0
    while ($i < 16)
    select ($Mode)
    case 0
    set_engine_par_m($ENGINE_PAR_MIDI_CHANNEL, $i, guiidx_to_slotidx($i), -1, -1)
    case 1
    set_engine_par_m($ENGINE_PAR_MIDI_CHANNEL, $i, slotidx_to_guiidx($i), -1, -1)
    end select

    end while

    $Renumber := 0
    end on

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