Reset measure-start in Traktor Pro 4

jbatson Member Posts: 24 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

(This Discussion is intended to be turned into a poll question for the Ideas section, supplementing an existing thread linked below.)

Feature request: Provide in Traktor Pro 4 a method to reset where the downbeat (beat 1 in a measure) is at 1 or more points in a track (after the initial downbeat set at track start).

This is needed so that Traktor users can rely on the 4-beat measure markers to be displayed properly AFTER a non-4/4 measure occurs in a track.

Background: A significant number of tracks include a non-4/4 measure mid-song. Artistically, producers commonly include skip, or add a beat (creating a 3/4, or 5/4 measure) at the end of a breakdown. If the "measure" markers in the displayed waveform aren't reset to the new downbeat, the measure markers will be off (by 1 or more beats) for the remainder of the song.

For DJs that rely on the measure marker to properly indicate where to cue in another track, effect, vocal, or etc., an inaccurate measure marker leads to poor mixing.

Prior to TP4, a user could set a cue point at the "new" downbeat, and then set the Type of that cue to "Grid". This would reset the measure markers from that point forward in the track.

TP4 (4.0.0) removes the Grid type for a cue, removing the ability to reset the grid, and nothing in the Grid Page (under the Advanced Panel) provides a capability either. This is a significant take-away in TP4; personally, it's forcing me to fall back to TP3 until this is resolved.

Some form of ability to reset the downbeat is urgently needed in TP4.

Express your desire for this by voting up this feature request.

Original identification of, and further discussion about this issue can be found / done at


  • Djxhype1
    Djxhype1 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I agree 100% with this and have up-voted this request! Who's with me?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,887 mod

    This is plainly a necessity.

  • jbatson
    jbatson Member Posts: 24 Helper

    Note: The N+I devs have jumped into the thread I linked at the end of my post above, and the conversation continues there.

    We should probably declare THIS thread dead/closed, and continue the discussion there.

This discussion has been closed.
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