Maschine 2 - routing midi note from a track to another track

Delacroche Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


In the group D1 i have to 2 sounds :

  1. BLEASS arpeggiator
  2. Bass synth

Bleass arpeggiator create midi notes only, without sounds. How to route midi note from Bleass arpeggiator to the instrument Bass synth ?

I try to configure output midi and input midi but not ok.

Only the keys from the keyboard on track 1 are sends to track 2, but not the generate keys from Bleass.

Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,139 mod
    Answer ✓


    maschine does not support internal midi routing from one pad to another.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,139 mod
    Answer ✓


    maschine does not support internal midi routing from one pad to another.

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 59 Member

    The "midi" doesn't apply to "piano roll" in Maschine to be short, . The "midi" plug-in you have maybe "midi efx" , "midi generator", or "midi control"…sometimes even think "midi audio efx" (where your "arp" or something called midi plugin may only "arp" audio playback, not actually "arp" your midi input or data in piano roll, it may just sound like it is) Note: Reverse Plugin in Maschine kicks in after full midi has passed, Halftime kicks off midi triggered). but regardless the midi input/data not traveling together inside…NI MIDI EFX CHAIN PLEASSSSE!

    Then you come up with "MIDI Plugin" routing setup FLOW….something like Scaler I think midi control, dont need its sound. Either playing in it to write something to create midi or coming up with something in scaler . Drag drop, midi capture -drag, midi capture-bind-drag…because at end of the day Scaler is not gonna push its midi regardless, any software has to have its own "route".

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