How do I fix Massive X being "unable to read preset files"?

Banproof Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths

Hey y'all - been using NI and izotope stuff for a grip now, and ive never run into this until recently. In Massive X browser, all of the presets and expansions / whatever are listed as being stored. You can see them all with their respective icons, and the factory library is listed as well. However, when I go to load literally any of them now, An error window pops up and says: "Couldn't load Preset - Unable to read preset file(s)". I have uninstalled and reinstalled Massive X, every library, every plugin, I even went so far as to uninstall Native Instruments completely from my Mac - and that is no quick task. I erased everything that ever had to do with remotely being in slapping distance of Anything Native Instruments, except for CodeMeter. But even now, when I have the tastiest jam ready to spread all over that buttered Logic Pro X toast, I can't, because the knife won't hold the jelly. Terrible metaphor but im exhausted. I am certain I did or didnt do something I was supposed to, I just dont know what it was, and was hoping you fine folks of unimpeachable moral character might be able to spread some of that light-butter on the situation. Still no? ok, no more metaphors. Thanks in advance for any help.


This Guy



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,517 mod

    Make sure that Logic has full disk access: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    You can also apply these steps: My Massive X Browser is Missing Presets

  • Banproof
    Banproof Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I will check on that setting again, but I am pretty certain I made sure to enabler that just in case. they are all in the browser, I can see them, it just won't load any of them. thank you for the info and the article. will investigate and report back, thanks!

  • Banproof
    Banproof Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Update - So Logic Pro, Native Access, NTKDaemon, Kontakt 7, all of the programs related to NI have full disk access. there is one terminal process that I disabled, called smdb, because I didnt recognize it and was having some performance issues with my Mac studio and couldn't find what it was to, so I disabled it. does that sound at all familiar when thinking if programs related to NI?

    Anyway, going to read the linked article you sent now.

    Thanks again

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,517 mod

    Can you give more details regarding this smdb thing?

    Did it have an influence on your issue?

    Can you post a screenshot of the error message?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,231 mod
    edited August 2024

    I presume they mean smbd?

    It's a server daemon that provides filesharing and printing services to Windows clients (eg if you are sharing a folder on the network using Samba)

    It's part of the OS

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