Why midi extracted by Cubase 13 from an Audio track kills any Prime Bass output

CSurieux Member Posts: 21 Member

I extracted a midi track using variaudio in Cubase 13 and copied it on a Prime Bass new track using Kontakt 7.
But when I play it there is no sound sent on its output channel.
Inspecting the midi generated by Cubase I discovered that there is a RPN section on the beginning which creates a problem :
CC 101 0
CC 100 0
CC 6 6
CC 38 0

its appears that this 'system' sequence set the pitch bend amplitude for synths (value 6, from my input from Cubase popup before generating midi in my case).
Apparently it kills Prime Bass !!
When I removed it the output come back to normal.

I read the prime bass documentation and find nothing about this midi sequence.
Shoudn't Prime Bass be protected against it ?



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,829 mod
    edited July 24


    what are your midi extraction settings? The first 2 cc's (MSB/LSB) you mentioned could be pitch bend range coarse and fine!? The last pair is maybe data entry MSB/LSB. Strange that vari audio creates those. If I don't forget it I will make a test with my cubase 12 pro version, I hope vari audio hasn't changed too much.

    P.S. those 4 values belong together and are PB range coarse and fine

  • CSurieux
    CSurieux Member Posts: 21 Member

    You can read this post on Steinberg side


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,829 mod
    edited July 24

    Have you tried to set the midi channel from omni to ch 1 or whatever you use, cause those messages are on ch 0. Or tried other pb extraction modes.

  • CSurieux
    CSurieux Member Posts: 21 Member

    What do you mean ?
    I use Prime bass/Kontakt on channel 1 and those midi messages kill Kontakt.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,829 mod

    Ahh ok i thought then midi ch 0 is sorted out

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,829 mod

    have you tried to right click on the vertical volume slider in kontakt and "remove automation from xx" or something like that

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