Audio Input Problem with Zoom L12

Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

I use a Zoom L12 as audio interface with USB return on channel 9/10

I can't get audio input in Guitar Rig & Pro, neither as stand alone application neither than in my DAW

I only can hear GR Side Chain with tape deck. No way to use the Fx with my guitar plugged on port 6 of my Zoom L12. I hear the guitar dry signal to the main output 1/2 of Zoopm L12

The GR Side chain output to channel 9/10 is audible too on the main output.

Help would be appreciated to set up properly the audio preferences.

Whatever I red and re red the user manual and I think my setup is ok, I can't get an audio input to GR7

Thank You

Best Answer

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jeremy

    I finally solved the fuzzy bug. There was an accidental setup of the Class compliant selector to ON on my Zoom L12, while connecting cables. That selector has to be set to OFF. (ON only for usage with Ipad)

    Now I have audio signal in GR7P both as standalone application and as FX plugin in Studio One 6 Pro.

    I'm very happy of that application that I discover days after days.

    Thank you for you help.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Do Guitar Rig and your DAW have full disk access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Have you enabled the microphone for Guitar Rig 7? macOS Dialog: “*App Name* would like to access the microphone."

    In your DAW, Guitar RIg 7 is just an effect you put on a track. Are you able to get your guitar in an audio track without GTR7 as an effect? Is it all working there? What DAW are you using?

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you Jeremy for your prompt suggestions and comments.

    Yes to all your questions related to disk access and microphone access.

    But whatever I get an audio input signal on port 6 , and stero ports 9/10 where a Krome 88 keyboard is plugged in my Zoom L12 mixer and audio interface, and output sound to main output 1 and 2.

    in GR7P as standalone application, I don't get an input signal, so still unable to use GR7P. Then no input neither from port 6 (electric guitar) neither from port 9/10 (krome audio) in GR7P.

    in Studio One Artist 5.5 (SOA) as plugin FX, same problem. I don't get an input signal in GR7P, but I get a signal in SOA when I use Krome as MIDI controler. However that signal seems don't reach GR7P.

    Very puzzling bog. If you have any other questions or suggestions to solve that problem, Thank you very much in advance. Have a nice day.

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    see how my current audio midi set up is, my audio and MIDI interface looks OK

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    also: the Zoom L12 driver show 4 outputs, depending how it's setup.

    currently, in GR7P it set to outputs 0 and 1 for the Zoom L12 output ports 1 and 2,

    and if needed GR7P output 2 and 3 for the Zoom L12 output ports 3 and 4

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    I still just get output only with the deck tape and the metronome. No audio input on the tuner

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you Jeremy for your prompt suggestion and questions. I would have been able to answer faster but my agenda is very busy by these days.

    Yes to your most of your questions concernning access to disk and microphone

    even I get audio input to my Zoom L12 mixer and audio interface,

    GR7P as standalone application : still don't get an input signal, So whatever my audio preference setup seems to be OK, I really wonder what is the problem. I don't have any MIDI controler plugged for GR7P that could put the input volume to 0.

    GRP7 as plugin in Studio One Artist 5.5.2 : I get a signal in my DAW from a MIDI controler keyboard but no input signal in GR7P. It's a very weird and puzzling bog. But I don't get any audio input signal from that same keyboard in an audio track. I use a Krome 88, audio with Krome sounds and MIDI in other tracks for sounds of sounds banks from Native Intruments, the same sounds banks that I use with my Komplete Kontrol.

    in GR7P, the preset volume is to max.

    I'm really puzzled at this time. If you have any other idea to solve that, Thank you in advance.

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    I uninstalled and reinstalled Zoom L12 Driver

    now in the standalone application of GR7P I get audio input and outpu in GR7P but not at the same input mono port of my Zoom l12. For example, if I plug my guitar on port 6, I had to select port 5 in GR7p. If I plug my guitar in Zoom L12 port 8, I have to select in GR7P port 7.

    very stange bug. Don't know if it's GR7P that is bugged or if it is the Zoom L12 driver that is not compatible with GR7P.

    as a Fx plugin in Studio One Artist 5.5 (SOA) I still can't get audio input in GR7P. I suspect then that GR7P is mis functionning with SOA. Very disappointing. I bought it and I was eager to use it, but since I installed it, Ii have many annoying bugs.

    Help would be greatly appreciated if some of you has already solve such troubles

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Hey @Gerry2024 I don't have your soundcard to test and do not know the specifics for this interface.

    I just tested Guitar rig 7 in Studio One 6 on a Mac and everythinbg is working as expected. I've created an audio track, plugged a synth in my interface, did the audio routing in Studio One, loaded a Guitar RIg 7 FX on top of that track, I can hear the synth with the GTR fx on it.

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hi Jeremy

    I got a complementary advice from Presonus Support Team. For sure part of the problem is that I use SO5.5 with Mac Sonoma. Only version 6.5 is the minimum version compatible. I will upgrade hoping that it will solve the problem, You wrote that you use GR7P with SO6.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Ok, thanks for the update. Let us know if updating Studio One fixes the issue.

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Upgrading to Studio One 6 Professionnal did'nt change the issue, Still can't get an audio input signal, only MIDI signals. Same setup as before for years…

    However I get audio input signal with Guitar Rig & Pro as standalone application but no input signal as FX on a Studio One 6 Pro track

    really fuzzy bug. Can't say where the audio signal is cut.

    Thank you if you could have an idea to solve that issue

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Make sure to use the Guitar RIg FX AU. there were no reports of such behaviour as far as I know.

  • Gerry2024
    Gerry2024 Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jeremy

    I finally solved the fuzzy bug. There was an accidental setup of the Class compliant selector to ON on my Zoom L12, while connecting cables. That selector has to be set to OFF. (ON only for usage with Ipad)

    Now I have audio signal in GR7P both as standalone application and as FX plugin in Studio One 6 Pro.

    I'm very happy of that application that I discover days after days.

    Thank you for you help.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @Gerry2024 Thanks for the update, glad that it works now.

This discussion has been closed.
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