Country tag

von Bordwehr
von Bordwehr Member Posts: 115 Advisor
edited August 2022 in Share Ideas for Traktor Pro

Please add a "Country" tag so that you can specify where tracks are from. This would be useful for searching, filtering and sorting.

7 votes

Closed · Last Updated

This idea did not receive enough support from the community.


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    Thanks @von Bordwehr for submitting this idea. We’re tracking demand for this feature. Curious, by country do you mean the location of the label? The country where the artist is from? Or the country where the artist is now based in/want to be associated with. Maybe cause in electronic music the idea of a "location" is a bit murky so I'm really interested about your use case.

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 115 Advisor

    Thanks for the comment. You're absolutely right that in many cases it's not at all obvious what should go in a "country" field, and perhaps there's a better term than "country". I currently use the Producer field to fill in the "country" the artist is primarily associated with, just so that it's easy to find, say, all music from a specific country, or at least by artists associated with that country. While there will be many cases where it doesn't really make sense, I find that it's useful for quickly locating things. An option to add more than one tag – like with tags for samples and instruments in Kontakt, Maschine, etc. – would make it easier to get around the murkiness of origin.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    Indeed I think your other idea about tagging is perhaps more flexible. But I'm leaving this idea open for upvotes in case others wanna chime in. 🙂

  • DJ Avadhuta
    DJ Avadhuta Member Posts: 18 Helper
    edited July 2022

    I use the tags Eng, Esp, Rus, Ukr, etc. in the Lyrics field. But it would be nice to have a separate field for the country or language of singing.

    The tag of the original release year is also missing. For example, when it's modern covers and remixes of songs from the 80s, 90s. I use the "Catalog No" field for this. But it would be cool to have a separate field for the year of the original, in addition to the Release date.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,912 admin

    Unfortunately this idea did not receive enough votes over the allotted time. We are closing the post.

This discussion has been closed.
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