License / Number of computers / Re-installing

Frank Reifenstahl
Frank Reifenstahl Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General


there's a page @ NI telling:

Die Endkunden-Lizenzvereinbarung (EULA)
für Native Instruments Produkte erlaubt die gleichzeitige Installation
auf zwei Computern (auf drei Computern für alle Versionen von Maschine
und Komplete). Es ist nicht erlaubt, diese Installationen gleichzeitig
zu verwenden.

Wenn du einen deiner Computer ersetzt, ist es nicht notwendig, eine
vorhandene Installation zu deaktivieren. Aufgrund der Lizenzvereinbarung
ist es jedoch erforderlich, das Produkt von dem zuvor verwendeten
Computer zu deinstallieren.

I am a native German, but I don't get it. Why do I have to deinstall a product before installing on another computer though it's allowed to install it on two computers concurrently?

Other question: I am on the edge of doing a fresh WIN 11 install, chance to clean up my DAW system. I purchased Komplete a long time ago. On installing anew, where do I have to start installing? I do not want to install Komplete 5 and all upgrade successors.

Best Answer

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,074 mod
    Answer ✓

    You don't need to uninstall the products before installing them on another computer.

    On your new computer you'll need to install Native Access then use that to install your products. It will only install the latest available version of each one so you don't need to install/upgrade all versions.

    You can download Native Access from here - If you have a previous version of Komplete on a hard drive you can plug that in before installing your products. That will let Native Access install content from the hard drive where it can which can speed up installs a lot for the larger libraries.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,074 mod
    Answer ✓

    You don't need to uninstall the products before installing them on another computer.

    On your new computer you'll need to install Native Access then use that to install your products. It will only install the latest available version of each one so you don't need to install/upgrade all versions.

    You can download Native Access from here - If you have a previous version of Komplete on a hard drive you can plug that in before installing your products. That will let Native Access install content from the hard drive where it can which can speed up installs a lot for the larger libraries.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 765 Expert
    edited July 2024

    Depending on the product you are allowed to install NI software on two or three computers with one licence. Within this limit there is no need to uninstall if you add another computer. But if you reached this limits the terms state that there is no need to deactivate the software on one machine. But you have to remove it from the old computer.

    Installing Traktor on your desktop computer. Fine!

    Installing Traktor on your notebook too. Still fine.

    You replace your desktop computer: Before you install Traktor on your new desktop you have to remove it from the old one (or your notebook). Otherwise you would be at three installs but the terms only allow two.

    In case of Komplete or Maschine the same but with the fourth computer.

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