Kontrol S61 mk3 - Bitwig

afewster Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 22 in Komplete Kontrol

Has anyone been able to get even the default midi template working with S61 mk3 in Bitwig?

In Logic, I can load up say Roland Cloud Juno 106, right click a control, select 'learn midi cc' and with the default template, I can move the first control (cc14) and the 106 learns the mapping.

In Bitwig, repeat the steps above, and no response from the plugin - same issue with any plugin - other than Komplete Kontrol - responds fine to the pre-packaged mappings with Repro-5 etc!

Yes, I'm in the custom midi template beta, and can create custom midi templates in Logic, but Bitwig is my DAW of choice - even not being able to use the default mappings is super frustrating.

Has anyone managed to get this to work, or is this expected behavior?

DAW control / Komplete Control works fine.


  • afewster
    afewster Member Posts: 15 Member

    Interestingly, native plugins (like polysynth) let me 'Map to Controller or Key' and will recognize encoder movement to map to the default or custom templates - just VST2/3 devices

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod
    edited July 6

    The way to go for KK3 integration with Bitwig is device and preset panels - they enable any plugin to be automapped plus Bitwig native devices are setup to work out of the box - see here for more info and links to hundreds of already mapped plugins (although I don't think any are for Roland cloud plugins, don't know anyone using those, but you can create your own easily). With this, and using the MOSS extension, Bitwig is by far the best DAW to use with Komplete Kontrol keyboards

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod
    edited July 6

    That being said MIDI learn is working also for me with third party plugins - I tend to do it using the Bitwig plugin panel 'Map to controller or key' rather than clicking on MIDI learn in the plugin GUI - don't forget you need to be in MIDI mode, not DAW integration mode, to do this.

    With device panels though you can stay in DAW mode at all times so you can control plugins, Bitwig devices and the DAW transport all at the same time without switching modes (and if you use the MOSS extension you can even see the device params being controlled in the keyboard screen - just like you can with the mixer strips)

  • afewster
    afewster Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks Kymeia - I clearly need to get deeper into Bitwig - the preset & device functionality is cool. Much like Logic's smart controls, but way more extensible. I was hoping custom midi templates would be the answer I was looking for but perhaps not.. Would be nice if you could use the page nav on Kontrol to navigate between custom pages - thanks for the tips - already creating custom device mappings..

  • afewster
    afewster Member Posts: 15 Member

    @Kymeia - curious whether you able to do any midi learn in Bitwig via Kontrol encoders - directly in the plugin? I'm able to work with the mappings panel and make assignments, but using something like Zebra for example, I'm unable to use the internal mapping to an encorder without the mappings panel..

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod
    edited July 7
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod
    edited July 7

    Yeah as I said MIDI learn does work as long as you are in MIDI mode not DAW mode, but I prefer panels - MIDI learn is best if you just want to quickly map a few controls but panels give you customisable and persistent control over a whole plugin and without leaving DAW mode

    Here's MIDI learn to Kontrol encoders working with Zebra since you asked


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod

    I've made Bitwig device panels for Zebra 2 VST3 and Zebra HZ VST3

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