Can Waves Studioverse fill in some of the gaps in Komplete Kontrol?

Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,060 mod
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Just came across this and have been testing it in KK. It's free, and it comes as an instrument and effect version, and the instrument version also loads effects to make complex chains plus you can create instrument layers and setup multi band and parallel effects, which are all savable (unlike in KK).

You can create macros and these map to KK, the only disadvantage here is it only seems to have 8 macro slots so is behind KK in that respect. It would also be great if it reported macro names to the host (as NSA Freestyle does) and if you could have more than one param per macro, but that's the same as KK of course. It does have a better macro editor than KK does though, you can set macro ranges for example

One nice thing is the user patches can be saved in the cloud to be accessed on all your computers or shared with other users - really wish KK had that as well (ok on Mac it sort of does as User Patches are saved to Documents and if you use iCloud then they are accessible on all your Macs, but I still think this implementation is a step up)

It's got a nice clean and clear interface that scales perfectly, and also a great range of MIDI effects and some alternate tunings support (a bit behind KK there in terms of quantity of alternate tunings, but neither of them have really great scales support).

All in all this is really what I always hoped KK would be like and kindof shows where I think it needs to go functionally and visually. However as it can be loaded into KK it can fill out some of the features KK is sadly missing at the moment, especially instrument layering and saveable effect chains, and more complex internal routing of effects. I hope eventually KK has these features too - but we have been making a case for an effect version, layering, complex routing, and savable effects chains for a long time now and made no progress so far. So hopefully this might nudge NI to try and keep up with the competition because I think it is obvious Waves are trying to create their own NKS like ecosystem here (I would not be at all surprised if they release their own hardware keyboard or controller at some point).


  • Kevin topsey
    Kevin topsey Member Posts: 3 Member

    can u get kontakt running as a plugin inside studioveres ?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,060 mod

    It should be able to load any plugin but I am finding it misses some but it's new

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