Guitar Rig (6,7,etc.) FX trails after deactivating the effect?

Jezric Member Posts: 56 Helper
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Setting up a guitar rack in Guitar Rig 7 and want the ability for delays and/or reverbs to trail off after deactivating the effect.

I see some effects have a "Mute" button (like Reflektor and DelayMan to name a couple), which does exactly what I'm describing. While you're playing if you hit mute, your dry signal keeps playing but the reverb/delay trails off starting when you hit Mute.

Is there not some way to do this sort of routing across any effect or is it that only some of the effects allow for this sort of thing within themselves?

It would be awesome if there was a way to have a container act like this, meaning you can "Mute" the container which means it would just stop sending the input to it, but the container would still be producing any residual sounds.


Best Answer

  • Jezric
    Jezric Member Posts: 56 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Ok, based on what you advised with using the Volume device, I found a solution:

    Split Mix device (with the Mix even between A and B)

    Channel A:

    • Volume device (Min volume set to -80db as you said)
    • Delay effect, Replika for example (or anything that has a trailing effect, reverb, delay, etc.)
    • More devices, etc.

    Channel B: No devices (or any devices you want to continue to have sound/passthrough when the A channel effects chain is muted)

    …now when you toggle the Volume device Gain to 0, it effectively mutes the input to the Split Channel A chain (or everything after the Volume device), but since Split Channel B continues to be in the chain (or mix), it keeps on producing sound.

    So, this is an effective workaround to the problem. Still, I think that having a "Mute" function on a Container would keep things much cleaner in the UI. :)

    Thanks for the suggestion on the Volume device! Sparked the solution.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,305 mod


    the only way i found is to use a volume device, gain and volume set with a button, followed by a noise gate (noise reduction device) if necessary, so the last remaining sound is cut off by the noise gate if you have some high gain stuff goin on.

  • Jezric
    Jezric Member Posts: 56 Helper
    edited July 2024

    Thanks for the reply!

    Doing what you describe does leave the trailing effect but also mutes the input signal. When that Volume device Gain is set to 0, the input signal stops there and does not continue to the rest of the chain as if bypassed (which is expected considering it's a volume device :D ).

    What I'm after is like what the "Mute" button does on DelayMan, when not muted, the input guitar signal goes into the DelayMan, when muted it bypasses the DelayMan, but does not mute the output of the trailing delay.

    A lot of hardware pedals also have this sort of an option, mostly delays and reverbs. What would solve this is if the Container tool had an overall Mute button that when muted would just mute the input signal to the Container but would not actually mute the FX chain within. That way, any effect in the Container would keep producing trailing echos or reverb (or any other effect that has a trail) but the input guitar signal would bypass it.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,305 mod

    Ok I guess now I know what you mean, that should also be possible, will try later to build something you can maybe use as a template if I'm back on my PC.

  • Jezric
    Jezric Member Posts: 56 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Ok, based on what you advised with using the Volume device, I found a solution:

    Split Mix device (with the Mix even between A and B)

    Channel A:

    • Volume device (Min volume set to -80db as you said)
    • Delay effect, Replika for example (or anything that has a trailing effect, reverb, delay, etc.)
    • More devices, etc.

    Channel B: No devices (or any devices you want to continue to have sound/passthrough when the A channel effects chain is muted)

    …now when you toggle the Volume device Gain to 0, it effectively mutes the input to the Split Channel A chain (or everything after the Volume device), but since Split Channel B continues to be in the chain (or mix), it keeps on producing sound.

    So, this is an effective workaround to the problem. Still, I think that having a "Mute" function on a Container would keep things much cleaner in the UI. :)

    Thanks for the suggestion on the Volume device! Sparked the solution.

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