Traktor vers. 3.11.1

SONICROX Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Dear staff

I send twice my RMA. As I've already confirmed in May 2024, I discovered a SW bug on the version of Traktor 3.11.1. The issue is related to the management of beatgrid. With new tracks or tracks already in old playlist ( already checked and analyzed by Application ), there is no way to change the beatgrid. It seems that when moving the cursor at first transient clipped the grid is blocked. At that time I can't move it back and forth anymore. I would like to confirm that with previous version of the App rel. 3.10.1 there is not the behaviour described above. App 3.10.1 is work properly.

Please could you double check it internally with your SW engineers ? From my point of view that's a blocking point, as per I use Traktor. In the Forum I saw other claims related to the same SW bug.

Sincerely. Have a great day.

Looking for your reply.


See below the snapshot of my first message by May 2024.


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 747 Guru

    I just tried on my installation. Also Traktor Pro 3.11.1. I just checked: No issues with moving the beatgrid for me. Seems like it isn't a general problem with 3.11.1. Maybe the folks at NI cannot recreate this bug and the circumstances that trigger it. That makes it hard to trace the issue especially as you haven't given any additional clues like your used OS, used format of your files.

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