Hardware to get Vinyl timecode into Traktor on the cheap

hfasher Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hi, With Traktor Pro 3 all access can I use something like this ART USB phono plus to get timecode into Traktor? I only need one turntable so that I can then use instant doubles.


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 2,706 Expert

    I guess it should work? As long as it seen as a normal sound device in the OS it should also work in Traktor.

    But keep in mind on its own Traktor can only work with a single sound interface at a time. So you would also need to use this one as your master and monitor out. That means it needs 4 channel out.

    I don't know where you live, but in parts of Europe you can get a used Traktor A6 for ~60 - 80 EUR

  • hfasher
    hfasher Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks Lord-carlos,

    What a dingbat I am. Thank you for your sound knowledge.

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