How to keep the chord sets visible on the right display of Maschine+ after switching on Note Repeat?

Goldie B
Goldie B Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 22 in Maschine

Does anybody know here a way to keep the chord sets visible on the right display of Maschine+ (or possibly Maschine MK3) after switching on Note Repeat/Arp? (In chord mode)

When I’m using it it switches to a kind of event view, and I can no longer tell which pad represents which chord set without taking a picture or memorising the layout before switching to Arp - am I missing something obvious?

Any help appreciated - thank you!


Best Answer

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 1,936 Expert
    edited June 24 Answer ✓

    Use the 'lock' soft key from the note repeat screen, then you can switch back and keep repeat activated.

    It's in the manual…


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,019 mod


    as far as I know that's not possible.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 1,936 Expert
    edited June 24 Answer ✓

    Use the 'lock' soft key from the note repeat screen, then you can switch back and keep repeat activated.

    It's in the manual…

  • Goldie B
    Goldie B Member Posts: 39 Member

    Yes that works, thank you!

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 337 Member

    You can also use one sound source, instrument or sample and creat costume Chords with other empty Pads in the same group. Link them and change the key and octave to your taste or to combination you liked so you can save CPU and use only Chords exactly the One you used in the track and you won't be looking for which combination you used because you will have them in a group as sounds but you will play one instrument.

    Lock States are absolutely Amazing Features especially on linear Time Line finally so very quickly it's possible to control multi Parameters to morph from nothing to everything or choose when which sounds will enter the Mix. Or do crazy Psy Trance modulations. With Selections you can record more Chords and later controlling Selections you can make specified Chords to play skipping others.

    You can control Scenes and in general you can control all 3 Functions with 3 midi Channels internally in Maschine.

    This is example and you can see how some things are moving without me controlling it , switching or pushing any button.

    I think I explained everything in this Video.

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