is there a better way to do this? Building patterns/scenes from loops I've recorded into the M+

FlouncingFleasbag Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 22 in Maschine

Hi everyone,

Loving Maschine but new and back with another dumb question. I've been diving into the manual and on YouTube but have yet to find pertinent examples of my current predicament. Tried searching the forum but this is an awkward question to put ijnto a search engine.

Anyway, caveats and apologies out of the way- here’s what I'm struggling with…

I've recorded a bunch of guitar loops into Group A, A bunch of loops from an external drum machine into group B and a bunch of bass part loops from an external mono-synthinto Group C.

When it comes time to arrange my song in IDEAS mode all my loops exist in the groups but all the PATTERNS are blank and if I press PLAY everyone of my loops plays at the same time.

This is my solution:

1) Changed the PLAYBACK MODE of each of my loops to GATE in the AUDIO plugin.

did this across all groups and this stopped the problem of every loop playing at once.

2) Created PATTERNS for each GROUP and manually recorded each loop into it's corresponding PATTERN

this works but I can't listen back to the patterns in PATTERN mode

I can only hear them once I enter them into a SCENE, after which it's fine but cant help to think that I'm missing a basic trick here.

3) Once I've gone thru this process I can build scenes however in SCENE mode under the PERFORM encoder I have been forced to set RETRIGGER to OFF.

If I don't have RETRIGGER set to OFF the scenes will play over top of each other in abig mess. I'd like to be able trigger individual scenes independent of the linear playback structure- you know, jump from one scene to another at any point in playback and not have to wait for the loop to play out.

in this case I know I must be missing an elementary setting but have yet to locate an avenue to alter playback preferences .


This process seems tedious and I can’t help to think that I'm missing the forest for the trees- what am I doing wrong structurally? I have not had this problem when loading sounds via the browser only with the loops I've recorded directly into the Maschine +.

If I where to try to LIVE LOOP various instruments into the M+ , which is the impetus for learning this process for my use case, it seems it would be impossible or next to impossible given the moronic workflow i've invented for myself here. I've watcvhed vidoes og people live looping so I know I am just being a dummy.

Any help is hugely appreciated and I'm sorry to even ask this question to begin with there is a workflow light bulb that I looking to flip on- show me how to work this light switch, please.

Thank you!


  • FlouncingFleasbag
    FlouncingFleasbag Member Posts: 12 Member

    I figured out my issue with the retrigger feature for the scene playback but putting all my loops into mute/choke groups rest of the question still stands- thanks.

  • FlouncingFleasbag
    FlouncingFleasbag Member Posts: 12 Member

    I think I've answer my own question- which plays out like I imagine it does with many of us; we spend hours trying to wrap our head around a particular aspect of the workflow of a new device and when we finally throw our hands up and ask a question a forum we see something or a light bulb goes off in our heads the next day or so, and the ah-ha: "sheeeeeetttttt- that’s how it works!" bell dings.

    I'll leave this up for anyone else that runs into the same issue.


    when initially recording loops set the TARGET in the SAMPLING menu to PATTERN

    This instantly converts/assigns the loop to a pattern

    I knew there had to be something I was overlooking.

    (I need to play around more with the designations of loop playback i.e. GATE vs. LOOP because I believe there's probably a better way to get the RETRIGGER to function as I wish it to without having to set it to GATE- minor issue)

    I have before experienced being a newb with a device that has had a lot of updates/improvements and has had features added and it's workflow refined over time and I find there is always some baffling moments in trying to understand the device on a macro level. In this case I'm not speaking about this particular question of mine but only about learning the Maschine workflow as a newcomer in 2024, in general. I'm going thru all the user growing pains in accelerated concentrate is what i mean to say. It's a great problem to have and i greatly enjoy using M+.


  • HybridNZ
    HybridNZ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Awesome bro. I've had this exact same problem since purchasing my Maschine+ 2 weeks ago. I'll be giving your solution a go tonight!

  • FlouncingFleasbag
    FlouncingFleasbag Member Posts: 12 Member

    @HybridNZ Sorry you are struggling with that but glad to know I wasn't the only one, lol.

    another thing I stumbled on to learning is that if you are looping into a pad you can leave the maschine rolling and continuously loop into new pads- woah! haha.

    The other thing I think I didn't quite grasp is that each pad (sound) can have individually unique routing settings as can each group. You are probably already hip to that but it really helped me from a bird's eye/workflow angle to grog.


  • HybridNZ
    HybridNZ Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    @FlouncingFleasbag Thanks for your insight.

    Maschine is a beast! I'm stumbling my way all over/around it myself and loving it. I'm experimenting with different workflows just to experience the different possibilities of song arrangement. It's blowing my mind.

    I think I accidentally discovered looping into new pads when I had had my input set to master. Is that what you mean?

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