Instruments showing in NA, but not in DAW

Davis Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Running NA 3.11.1 on Mac Pro M1 Sonoma 14.1.2 and Logic 11

My instruments are all saying installed on NA, but when I get into my DAW, a lot of them are missing, or are not loading, appearing or showing a yellow ! error on the instrument. When opening Logic, it says that Massive X is not available on my system, in a project where I was using it previously. Although it is showing up as installed on NA.

Here are the installation paths

Here are the paths in preferences. I might be missing something very obvious.

T7 is an eternal drive.

Are things not in a correct place? Or am I messing up with the path routing?

Would love some help! Thanks


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,002 Guru

    If you click on the little folder icon it should show you what's in that directory. Is the Massive X program there?

  • Davis
    Davis Member Posts: 14 Member

    I'm assuming you mean from the installation paths window - this is what shows up, and for reference, there's the applications finder window on top, showing there's not Massive X there.

    However, if I go to the T7 external drive, it shows more information for it. Here:

    Thanks @dunedindragon

  • Davis
    Davis Member Posts: 14 Member

    Also wanted to add that Massive X is not the only instrument I am having issues with. There are a bunch of instruments and things in NA that are not showing up in the DAW. I looked in plugin manager, and Massive X also showed it could not be opened. Thanks @DunedinDragon

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