Maschine Plus Fully Standalone?

Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


thinking about buying a device that I can use fully in Standalone, no software, no computer what so ever. I'm coming from Maschine, loving the software, the pads, the Sounds, Instruments and the workflow. There are a few posts online that the Maschine-Plus is a great device but only get to its full potenial while connected to the Maschine-DAW. I'm using an Macbook Air 2017 (with 8gb RAM, Mojave) so there will be some problems using a newer Maschine-Software and Kontakt version. I'm also interested in the MPC-One-Plus but the Pads may be not as easy to play like with Maschine and I have to learn about a new system what takes time… What's your experience with the Maschine-Plus in complete standalone mode? can you really do it without any computer? hope you guys can help!




  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 101 Advisor
    edited June 2024

    Standalone the Maschine Plus does about the same as an MPC One Plus. Both are limited in what plugin's are running on their standalone versions. But the set of sounds and plugins that are working are quite complete. And with both MPC or Machine Plus connected to a computer using them as a controller with MPC Beats/MPC 2 or Maschine software you've got the whole world of VST plugin's to your disposal. And of course everything that's withing your DAW. So both are limited but enough for most productions in standalone mode. And both get the bonus of everything a computer can do in controller mode. In terms of possibilities it doesn't differ much. The question is more about which workflow you prefer. Actually the Maschine has better controller integration with Maschine on a computer than MPC with MPC Beats to my opinion. And actually in standalone mode I like the workflow of the Maschine more.

  • Milian919191
    Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member

    hey man, thanks for your reply! I think the stock fx-plug-ins from Maschine are great and you can get pretty descent mixes with it how ever I'm a little bit concerned about using it as a full standalone device since I read about the "crashing probem" that some peoples had with it. Did you use a MPC-One before and if so how did you feel about the pads?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    I've had a Maschine+ now for three years, and I can count the times it's crashed or frozen on one hand and still have fingers left over. I find it very reliable and don't regret buying it at all.

    It's not been abandonded either, as some claim. Recent posts have confirmed it's still in active development.

  • Milian919191
    Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member

    did you mainly use it in standalone mode? is there a auto save function on the Plus also? can't find something about it online …

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Yes, standalone is why I bought the Plus, not the MK3 controller. I rarely connect it to the computer.

    Yes it has auto save. I suggest you download the manual to learn what it can do.

  • Milian919191
    Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2024

    ok! I'm currently on the 2.15.2 version on Mac Mojave so I cannot use the newest versions of some plug-ins like Kontakt. When I connect the Maschine-Plus to my Native-Access-Account will there be a problem because of this or will this work separately from each other?

    another thing is the CPU-usage, how heavy can you get with the production in standalone?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    The M+ has it’s own versions and downloads. But most of the time older Maschine software cannot open Projects created or edited with newer Maschine software. Therefore Projects creaton the M+ (currently on Maschine 2.17) may not be opened on the desktop with Maschine 2.15.

    Also, you have even less control over the installed software versions: The only thing you can do is not to update, but it’s very hard if possat all to roll back to older versions.

    Regarding CPU load: That’s heavily subjective and depends on your workflow. There are a couple of things to avoid, like loops in stretch mode, lots of effects on each Sound and using many instances of Massive/Monark/Raum.

    It’s a groove box, not a high end audio workstation.

  • Milian919191
    Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member

    yes, that's why I asked if I can use it all by it's self without touching a computer. just to get it right, I can use the newest versions on the M+ without connecting the Maschine to my Laptop or anything?

    I saw that in some tutorials that you dont have full controll over software like Massive etc. but that's good with me…

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro

    This was the case from day one with the M+ (using in standalone mode). There are plenty of reviews on YouTube to get an idea how the M+ works as a standalone device. F.e. Stimmings and Loopops reviews are good:

  • Milian919191
    Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member

    hey man, thanks for your response! I do research for three days now… Youtube, redditt etc. some things are clear and others don't. just want to make sure everything will work before I pay 900 €.

  • Milian919191
    Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member

    the firmware update is only available if you connect the + to your computer…. I don't get it why NI doen't go with there competitors like AKAI in this case

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited June 2024

    What is called firmware for the M+ and for the MPC are different things. There was only one firmware update ever since the M+ was released, but several OS/software updates which are downloaded automatically.

    AFAIR you don’t need to connect the M+ to a computer but load the Firmware file to a USB stick or tge SD card.

    PS: But if unimportant stuff like this worries you that much, you probably should stay away from the purchase.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Agreed. Firmware updates are once in a lifetime. Don't let that one small thing hold you back.

  • Milian919191
    Milian919191 Member Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2024

    last and newest firmware update is available for Mac Mojave users. if the updates can be downloaded without an computer I'm good to go :) really don't want to change the workflow I have with Maschine alltough it maybe a little bit different in standalone.

    thanks for your help ! have a good one

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