Missing plugins

John carparelli
John carparelli Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

hi to the community

Don’t know how to post my question correctly but I will try

I just bought kontact ultimate installed it in my Mac mini 2 but 10 plugins did not install. I tried to install them back but they did not install they came back with the word open under each plugin.i tried to get in touch with ni but could not find the correct link , don’t know how to proceed with this if anyone can help please



  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,074 mod

    If they have "Open" under the plugin it means Native Access thinks they're installed correctly. Which plugins are causing the problem?

  • John carparelli
    John carparelli Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

    My missing plugins are /battery4/creator tools/fm8/guitar rig 6 pro/guitar rig7 player/komplete control/kontake 6 player/massive//reaktor6/kontact7.

    Thanks for your help


  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 153 Advisor
    edited June 2024

    Those plug-ins you have listed are also available as standalone apps which means you can run them in macOS Finder like any other macOS apps.

    Also, you need to run this standalone apps first before you use them as plug-ins within your DAW—they need to setup and populate their internal databases of the locations of their libraries contents.

    In addition, you can ignore Kontakt 6 Player as you also have the latest full version of Kontakt 7 installed. With regards to Guitar Rig, the latest version is 7 but you have only have the lite 7 Player version. However, you do have the full version of the previous one, Guitar Rig 6 Pro.

    One thing to note is that you may wonder why you only have the older full version of Guitar Rig 6 Pro and not the latest 7 version. That is because Komplete 14 was released in 2022, and Guitar Rig 7 was not available then—only version 6. Native Instruments usual practice is not to retroactively include new and major updates to plug-ins and expansions into current Komplete bundle version until the next major version update—in this case, Komplete 15, which I speculate will be released later this year.

  • John carparelli
    John carparelli Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    thank you very much victory.sg

    For your info, you mention I can run them as stand alone apps and run them first before I can use them.it’s possible I’m not understanding everything you said I’m new at this I might be in over my head.i had everything installed on my Samsung 7 external drive . I’m understanding that after I run those missing apps they will show up in my kontact 14 library on my drive,I’m also not sure how I’m going to get those apps back I sent an email to native instruments I’m waiting for an answer.you probably already know this I tried to open one of the apps that that did not install to see what would happen it showed up on my screen and that’s all it did. I tried to open up my daw Luna it would not open so I had to force quit the” massive “app in this case so I could shut down my computer and start again.like i said I’m new at this so everything is going to take a while to learn. Thanks very much for help

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    I suggest you do some reading; you can visit the NI product page of each of these apps / plug-ins and download the manual to read the introduction and setup / configuration sections. Google is your friend also, so send queries to it.

  • John carparelli
    John carparelli Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    thanks a lot victors.sg I will look into this matter and hopefully figure it out

    Thanks again

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