triggering hotcues with phase offset across multiple beat marker areas

Thomas Chong
Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor


I'm struggling with a rather basic routine where I can't achieve a simple behaviour.

I have a gridded track with steady BPM as tempo master in deck A. In deck B I have a track with a constant bpm too but this has 2 grid markers (hotcue#1 und #5) as it has a break after which the beat is not aligned. You can see this gap 2 beats before the second gridmarker in my demofile:

Now i want to jump from loop 1 (hotcue#2) to loop 2 (hotcue#6) and vice versa without losing sync or losing phase match. Now comes the tricky part: when the grid is 100% in phase i can trigger hotcues and stay in sync by additionally mapping a phase sync command to the hotcue trigger. BUT when the phase is off (e.g. due to match a certain attack of kickdrum in deck A) i have no idea how to keep the offset once set to either beatgrid 1 or 2.

Phase offset in area past Beatmarker 1 (Hotcue#1) to match Deck A:

when jumping past Beatmarker 2 (Hotcue#5) Phase offset automatically drifts and tracks are off:

i couldn't find a mapping condition or value that i could use to keep the offset.

Any ideas what I am missing maybe ?



Traktor 3.11 117, S4 Mk3

P.S.: I use tempo sync as sync method in preferences.


  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member

    a beat marker is a grid Marker of course….

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,221 mod

    There is an option in preferences called BeatSync, which will keep phase on synced tracks no matter what.

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited June 2024

    as stated above i use tempo sync in order to be able to shift the phase.

    Beat sync cant shift phase and keep sync to other deck.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Is quantize on or off?
    Could you upload a track to test it?

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited June 2024

    quantise is on but wether on/off seems to have no effect.

    heres a zipped mp3 to test it.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Not sure if this is a bug, I'm not an expert on this aspect of Traktor.
    But yeah, multiplr grid markers are issue here. I was able to somewhat mask this by mapping sync and flux mode to my hotcue buttons.

    Maybe it will give you more ideas about the work around. Best way is to audio edit that track to exclude the problematic break.

  • Thomas Chong
    Thomas Chong Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited June 2024

    Hi Stevan,

    As mentioned in my initial post I was able to achieve a workaround for multiple beat grids in Deck B when their phase in all related areas is in sync to the master Deck (A) with zero offset. The problem that persists is when there is a wanted phase offset. Is there a feature how i could read out the actual phase offset and apply it with another command ? This would be a solution. Unfortunately i only found phase offset to be routed to LED.

    could you explain how the combination of flux mode and sync should help ? For my proven workaround I mapped PhaseSync to the HotCue Buttons. By additionally using a modifier I can use the mode with phase sync or the standard mode without phase sync. If I could read out the phase offset i could even have that modifier automated….

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