Where can i download the "Komplete Start.iso" or single products without NativeAccess?

Chris Meyer
Chris Meyer Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hello Guys,

i need help. Im a beginner/newbie and im not an native speaker. Don´t get wrong.

It never was so complicated to download free or demo stuff. NI can send some links to the registered mail but this isn´t possible with all products. The archive also doesn´t provide all products and also not the current versions. I get some advertising about Traktor DJ Pro 3 (3.11) but find only version 3.10 at the website. It is senseless. Sometimes i should install separate software (Native Access) to download demos or free versions. It is senseless to download a program to download a program. What if my internet connection is bad, slow or i haven´t access? What if i lost data? A good iso image backup is to be worth a mint. But first you have to get new products to save them. Maybe some people find "Native Access" useful but i hate this general.

I want to try the free "Komplete Start". I can´t find the whole iso. NI said that i have to download Native Access. The "Komplete Start" or all components will appear within Native Access. I downloaded "Native Access 2" but my old system can´t handle the new version. So i ask NI what to do. They and the FAQ said that i can download the old Native Access 1.14.1 version to download my products i connected before. I installed version 1.14.1 that runs fine but i cannot log in because error message (wrong UserName/Date/PW) appears. At the website i can log in and everything works fine with the same data i used within Native Access It was not my fault.

So the hint i should use Native Access to download some free or demo stuff sounds bad if version 2 doesn´t work with my pc/software/system and Native Access version 1.14.1 said my log-in data are wrong. Of course i saw the "system requirements" but i was forced to to/try that. Sending a link to my mail or find a .iso is more user friendly.

Komplete Start contains more products so i tried to download every single product.
Guess what? It is the same Insanity^^

And changing the system/pc/software doesn´t solve the problem.
Installing a program to installing/downloading a program is senseless in general.

I also would buy and DVD or an SSD/HDD with Komplete Start but i didn´t found this at the NI page.

What can i do?
Where are the links (.iso) for the whole "Komplete Start" or single products?
Some products can be downloaded (mail with .iso link from NI) but not all. Some products requires Native Access to download the free or demo versions.

Don´t get wrong but providing (as years/decades ago) just an iso or sending the link for the iso to the customers mail is way more user friendly.

I tried to contact the support and open a ticket but i only found the chatbot or the FAQ. By the way the chatbot give me the adivse to use the faq or Native Acess, archive etc.

I appreciate if NI or someone can send me the link for the whole product or the iso for the products are included within Komplete Start. Doesn´t NI provide a DVD, BluRay, SSD/HD for "Komplete Start" anymore? I also can buy for this.

Thank you very much!

Chris M.

Best Answer


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,448 mod
    Answer ✓


    unfortunately, as far as i know, there is no easy solution…

    -For downloading and install new NI software, you need Native Access 2.

    -If your system is old and not compatible with Native Access 2, then you have to download and install the old/legacy Native Access 1.

    -But, with Native Access 1, you do not have access to new NI software! Only to older versions…

    The only possible solution (that i know of), is if @Jeremy_NI or some other admin can provide you an .iso download link

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    It is pretty common to have installation managers to download stuff (Softube, Arturia, Korg, Waves, UVI, to name just a few). Some vendors still offer individual installers but many don’t.

    With NI, you will need Native Access 2 to download anything and that’s it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,245 Expert

    @Chris Meyer

    "Where are the links (.iso) for the whole "Komplete Start" or single products?"

    As everyone has mentioned - that ship sailed long ago.

    There is no such thing as .iso download for any NI product (outside of a specific support scenario where NI intervenes due to perhaps a single product needing a fix).

    Native Access 2 (3.10.x) is the way and the only way as of today (and the future).

    If you are dealing with a machine that cannot run NA2 - you will obviously need to address that as well.

    Good luck


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Even if I provide iso installers you'll still need Native Access to activate the products.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,448 mod

    @Chris Meyer i see in your profile that you are on Windows…

    Which version? Native Access 2 runs very smoothly on Windows 10.

    If you have an older version, why not just upgrade to Windows 10 (or 11)?

    Either way, an older version is incapable to run most modern software, not just NI. And it is much less safer too (way over than 10 years old…)

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