If I purchase my gear at a store, can i get a deal on Komplete Standard ?

zaphod Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


If i purchase my a49 at a retail outlet during the summer of sound sale can i get a deal on the Komplete Standard upgrade ? I see that you have the a49 + standard for a good price but I don't want customs to think i paid over 500 for the keyboard. They well ream me to say the least. So if i get the kb and then log in, can I end up getting the same deal with an upgrade to komplete standard? Also will i be able to upgrade again to the next level the following year?

I know, a lot of questions but i don't see an upgrade matrix anywhere.

Thanks for the help.

Frank Frickin Rizzo


  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Can only speak of my own experience. I was able to get my software upgrade at sale time through my local hardware outlet. Not sure if its the same everywhere around the world tho. It might also depend on youe actual store.

  • zaphod
    zaphod Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    hey thanks for the reply! TBH, I am in the Phil’s. Retail sucks, Amazon is the way to go, free shipping. Tariffs applied only over 200$ and they are super heavy. I don’t want to pay them for software. Thx again for the reply! Ffr

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Hey @zaphod,

    at least for my region the situation is as follows:

    Komplete Kontrol A49 is €199 standalone in NI shop. Comes with Komplete 14 Select during Summer of Sound. Conditions for this Komplete Select add-ons say offer is valid while purchase at NI or participating retailers. I don't know if Amazon is a participating retailer.

    If Amazon is a participating retailer you get Komplete 14 Select as free bonus and you eligible for upgrade pricing on Komplete 14 Standard, which is €199,50 in my region during Summer of Sound. All Komplete 14 offerings - including upgrades - are half price right now.

    NI offers a bundle Kontrol A49 with Komplete 14 Standard at €398,50. At least here in Germany it doesn't matter if you buy the bundle or both parts separate.

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