Possible temp fix to NA issues is just to do nothing

LPR001 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Native Access

I had several issues after closing NA and updating, had some daemon warning and had to reinstall. Then the Login fail, Add serial fail and Download/Install fail plus the long Loading Product loop on startup. After the Login fail I just let it sit for a while while trying online to figure out why was this happening and when I come back I was in. Next after letting the Loading Product for a while I quit it> reopened and my products were there(I suspect it might have kicked in eventually). Add Serial fail same, just let it sit with dialogue box open and then after a while it confirmed registered product. Download and update I got the message that download failed then after a while it downloaded and installed. I think by closing the app on all but the Loading product just puts you in a loop.

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