S8 Kontrol Deck B main FX knob & 2 Vol Ch faders keep moving

Jase Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I've tried to provide as much information relating to the issue I am having. I thought it may help if giving me any advice on helping me find a solution to my issue.

The Issue I am having is that the S8 Dry/Wet knob on the top right-hand side (Deck B) FX2 moves on its own when I use it. Extremely frustrating.

See zipped very small mp4 video below:

The 2nd Vol Channel also does the same (occasionally the others sometimes move a little)

See zipped very small mp4 video below:

Since last year mid 2023, my S8 has been purrrring like a new born kitten for 10years. The S8 is still connected to an old laptop, using Traktor Pro 2 scratch & pro. The unit had been softly cleaned, removing buttons and returned them back & kept covered with a decksaver when not in use. The old Native Service Center* (*NSC) installed on a laptop (Win8)

FYI, this laptop is sole use is for TraktorPro and after the following steps/actions below, is when this issue first occurred and currently still remains, looking no more/less than in those mp4 videos above:

Mid 2023, I carried out a regular *NSC update. As this update without any warning completely removed my NI Service Center (which NI stated in the update that it hadn't) was being updated to the all-new Natives Access 2* (*NA2). So, without warning I was not able to run *NA2 on my old Win8 laptop, leaving me very distressed.

I managed to find an old back up of the old *NSC and installed it back onto my old trusty Win8 laptop. I re-installed the S8 drivers I had a backup of was able to go back to using the *NSC allowing me to continue to use TraktorPro and the S8 on my old laptop, BUT with a strange issue remaining. Yes, the controllers moving on their own, but I was under the impression this most likely happened when I cleaned the S8 and may had foreign material inside. I tried recalibrating the functions using both Traktor Pro and the Controller Editor with no fix.

I then installed *NA2 on a newer pc (Win10) as a 2nd pc/device account use.

I then connected the S8 to the newer PC and given its power source is different also.

Also, I have recalibrated the functions again using Traktor Pro 3 v3.11.1 and using the Controller Editor v2.8.2.

Today May 2024 a year later, I connected the S8 back to the newer PC again with *NA2, TraktorPro3 v3.11.1 installed and up to date. I have done the calibration process as mentioned above.

I have just found a link on NI's product support page shown below:

"How to Monitor the Output of a MIDI Controller"


I have installed the MIDI-OX software and can see the events when following the guide.

I am not confident I fully understand what I am to do and really would hope someone could help me.

Thanks in advance for reading this through. 😎


Best Answers

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 362 mod
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for all the detailed information, I decided to create a support ticket for you since a really detailed and specific story. Our support team will contact you with more information regarding this topic and hopefully put an end to the problem.

  • Jase
    Jase Member Posts: 6 Member
    Answer ✓


    I'm now being looked after by NI support team.

    I'll let you know how this goes, for further support related issues where this may help.

    Kind Regards



  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 362 mod
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for all the detailed information, I decided to create a support ticket for you since a really detailed and specific story. Our support team will contact you with more information regarding this topic and hopefully put an end to the problem.

  • Jase
    Jase Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thanks for your quick reply Martiniix_NI,

    I have run a search again and have seen 2 instances where this occurred to other people.
    Both instances an aero-can of compressed air was applied and in 1 of those cases, WD40 was applied also.
    In both instances, both stated they had resolved the issue for a long period of time (8months to date).
    I will not be using WD40 at all.

    However, I will give a careful blast with an aero-can of compressed air to the troubled areas only.
    I need to use the S8 for my 2nd live DJ stream on Twitch tomorrow night (twitch.tv/djsouthside) as it's quite noticeable hearing audio come through while in a mix, because of the Vol Channel moves up slightly by itself.

    A Question only? Would you know if applying CRC's, Go Contact Cleaner be safe and not damage any of the components? https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/

    I won't use that until I hear back first.
    If I DONT reply again to this thread, the issue still remains.

    Thank again,
    Regards Jase 😎

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 362 mod

    It is hard to tell because personally I never used such a product before, but I can see is special for electronics so it must be safe.

  • Knivshult
    Knivshult Member Posts: 20 Helper
    I've had similar problems, but then on a Vestax VCI 400. 
    Then it was the controls/line faders that were worn out and loose. No problem with the software

  • Jase
    Jase Member Posts: 6 Member


    Okay after blowing the channel and button/knob out with compressed air and the issue not resolved, I've been trying to understand to learn more about midi mapping the S8.

    I wanted to ask, is there a step procedure I can be guided through that can sort of clear that function completely from the hardware and re-map the function?

    I'm sure I tried to follow along watching a NI YouTube on how to do this, but the video was showing another function being mapped, so I really could make sense to perform the procedure correctly.

    Here's what I found interesting that I feel I should be mentioned, giving you all the information:

    Somehow 🤔 and please don't laugh at me too much here 😌 but I've managed to swap the issue the #2 FX Wet/Dry knob had to #1 FX Wet/Dry knob. Which meant for one instance, I had the issue move over to the #1 FX Wet/Dry knob and #2 FX Wet/Dry knob seemed to work fine. And then I switched it back again, because for a moment, I thought I could realise how to copy the parameter of #1 FX knob to into the #2 FX knob .

    I failed 😂 (I hope this makes sense)

    See below I've sent another short video clip of something that also happens occasionally when I move the # 2 FX Wet/Dry knob that you might be able to tell if it is a possible firmware issue within the hardware itself maybe? Watch what the Eq & Gain levels randomly do at 5 second mark:

    Could this be an overload amount or information that's been mapped by me incorrectly?

    If so, is there step-by-step procedure I can follow that clears all the Vol Channels and #2 FX Wet/Dry knob function out from inside the S8's firmware?

    I hope this makes sense as I should point out also, I really need to get some sleep, I've almost spent all a full 24hrs on this and its almost 5am now 😅 I just want my S8 to work perfectly again.

    Kind Regards


  • Jase
    Jase Member Posts: 6 Member
    Answer ✓


    I'm now being looked after by NI support team.

    I'll let you know how this goes, for further support related issues where this may help.

    Kind Regards


  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 362 mod

    Amazing! I think this is the best way with such an specific issue, please update us with any solution!

This discussion has been closed.
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